Jorge Carolinos

Most Communist parties around these days descend straight from the ravings of mass murderers like Mao, Trotsky, Stalin, Lenin… Red metal is pro freedom and individual liberty as a George Lincoln Rockwell inspired group, meaning not at all - see Antifa.

It reminded me of the exposes on the local Christian TV station about how metal was satanic.

RCP is a political cult.


True believers hate apostate types more than they hate anyone else, like a skinhead in the pack the person you are responding to is upset more at the group he nominally belongs to than anyone else thats why he attacks at metal shows.

I'm going to guess I'm a bit older than you, you remind me of the skinheads I had to deal with in the 80's when going to punk/hardcore shows. Same frightening entitlement thinking pathology that I had fist fights with back in the day. Having sadly had real aryan skinheads explain their world view to me reads like