If your girlfriend wants to explore sex with other women, shouldn’t you also get to explore sex with other women?
What’s good for the goose...
Basically, the answer is be poly or be monogamous, but don’t do anything one-sided.
If your girlfriend wants to explore sex with other women, shouldn’t you also get to explore sex with other women?
What’s good for the goose...
Basically, the answer is be poly or be monogamous, but don’t do anything one-sided.
My mom passed away recently and used to read to me in her native German before putting me to bed.. This has wrecked me this morning. Thanks for this. Bittersweet is such a good emotion.
This whole obsession about who these virtual characters would hypothetically fuck is getting creepy. Its totally cool if you or anyone is into that but this type of stuff shouldnt be breaking out of the Rule34/tumblr space. This whole idea of “shipping” as a mainstream concept is odd.
By far the most annoying thing about shippers.
True this!
It’s OK to say “thay should be gay and not straight”! But don’t you dare say the opposite... SMH
So apparently, everyone in Overwatch is gay, so any hetero shipping seems like a no-no. Sometimes the fandom is just ridiculous...
‘Shippers, aka, people with too much time on their hands and a severe lack of social skills.
Can we please stop paying attention to this guy now? He literally lied to you and manipulated the gaming media for a week for his own benefit. You don’t have to write about him or his moronic band of followers ever again. Just ignore him.
This. I am so confused.