
I don't know exactly how old I was - it was probably around 4th grade or so that I started watching Aliens. That would have made me 9 or 10. I watched it on VHS over and over during the summer.
I had a friend over, and I showed him some of it. He called his mom to come pick him up after we went to bed.

There was a sense of excitement for the prequel movies as they were released, and it was easy to debate the movies on their individual merits.
But now that all of those movies are out, the vast majority of the story was meaningless.
Anakin's fall from grace is the primary story, which is sort of nice. The clone wars,

This has been a pet peeve of mine for as long as I can remember. Government services have generally been well-run, or at least as well-run as we can expect for what they provide.
State-run services are the things that no one likes. Messing with the DMV or trying to sort out state taxes are just about always much more

The last thing I talked with my dad about was that I had been watching old Mission Impossible episodes, and that I was glad to see Lesley Ann Warren in them.

I watched most of the last season about three weeks back. I don't mind the show as much when I can burn through it quickly. I had two major problems with it (although I agree with the weirdness of the garbage dump people.)
1 - It takes Rick way too long to break out of his funk. I don't mind him feeling crushed for

Fuck boxelder bugs. I thought they were just some sort of a juvenile lightning bug, but they're actually a lot like stink bugs. They want to get into warm areas, so once it starts getting cold, they'll start trying to get in.

I finally finished the first Legend of Zelda. I did Zelda 2 a week or two back.
I had made it to the last dungeon a long time ago, but this time, playing through was much easier than I expected.

I had that hipster "those guys suck" attitude at first.
I eventually had the album - I can't remember why.
It wasn't bad. It wasn't great, and the writing isn't that good. But the performances are solid, and there's a bit of charm to it all. I sort of wonder how they'd be if they weren't as polished.

I remember reading Billy Joel's rider awhile back, and I liked it. It was nice, but not exactly extravagant.
Now that I've read it again - it's really a completely reasonable one. Just about everything on it is easily acquired in most grocery stores. There are a number of items that are left open to local venues -

I've been concerned about this area that Trump is exploring - just trying to undo everything of the previous administration. Normally that's been a very minimal thing. But I'm worried that this will turn into a sort of government paralysis where every four years, each new administration tries to undo the last

My wife and I are both atheist. Her family is Catholic, mine is Presbyterian. Our minister was the father of my best man, a Lutheran.
He was easygoing enough to offer us the UN ceremony - the one that the UN uses for interfaith weddings. It's vague enough that it makes reference to a higher power, but it's very

This is something I've always been a little curious about. I've asked my wife, and she just says "it tastes like you."

This "so-called Jesus" is a secret Muslim.

Honestly, it's not bad. These characters really don't translate very well, and Medusa is going to be nearly impossible to make her powers seem reasonable.
Her angry look doesn't seem quite right. But everyone else seems on target.

Is this the dark and gritty reboot of Mr. Plow?

So… does Joe Walsh have insurance? It doesn't seem like he'd believe in it.

Bossk. I have two painted portraits of him.

My wife and I are working through the Telltale Walking Dead games. I'm having her control and make the decisions. I'm doing a playthrough of the first season where I'm trying to be as much of a jerk as I can.
I was also considering trying a run where I just chose silence as often as possible.

By the end, it's easy enough to get a vague sense of what happened.
But it's very difficult to unravel, and one of the things that really made it difficult for me was that the leads looked very similar and were dressed the same most of the time.

It's probably better that Danny Rand is a plain white guy. He's an idiot in the show.