Hellcat powered Powerwagon with stack exhaust and call it the Warlock.
Hellcat powered Powerwagon with stack exhaust and call it the Warlock.
That looks like a parody commercial that Top Gear would make... I'm having a hard time believing that this is real
I thought this was an automobile blog...not Jezebel
ooo easy, every V6 Camry!!!
The only thing that can save the economy is to re elect absolutely no one and not elect that cunt that will probably run for president. The bill of rights has been under severe attack for many years, and once she is elected, the USA is over and open to the latest Hitler or Stalin.
this is about Paul Monti who's son Jared died in 2006. He is my neighbor and the nicest person alive. Every Christmas he leaves a bag of toys at our door for my son and daughter and says they are from Santa.
maybe then we could more easily tell him and Miley Cyrus apart more quickly...
Dirty Sanchez.
I live in Baton Rouge now and am glad to see normal colors on all the cars. Thankfully there isn't an abundance of purple or yellow cars. Well, there are a ton of gold Delta 88's, but I don't think that has anything to do with LSU.
Ferurccio Lamborghini rubbing Enzo's face in it.
Top Gear Ethiopia - unwatchable. A solid hour of driving around looking for food. No substantive car reviews at all.
Land of the free. Home of the brave.
Doesn't pass the safety regs? Well, that's my problem isn't it?
None. All the cars should be sold in the United States.
Why is he a dick. He has a point. He was talking about her not having a drivers license anymore. He's also right in more ways than I think he realizes, and not just about the driving either.