
MSNBC made the decision last year that they needed to compete with Fox. The lower rungs were told that they were going to seek more “moderate” programming, but the upper rungs were already planning a Trumpalooza. I hope they fall on their face (except for Maddow, long live Maddow.) There’s already a glut of white,

She was a hack whose show wasn’t very good. When she filled in for Maddow decently, a lot of people mistook her basic competence for star potential. She was never anything near that.

Now playing

Melissa Harris-Perry suggesting things are possibly racist for no reason? You don’t say.

I think her show took a huge hit after she basically sided with the Rachel Dolezal.

His economic plan was as bad as Sanders’ is at the moment, and some people lapped it up.

She sucks! The firm she worked for kept 10 million over the agreed upon 40% fee and hide the distribution of funds so no one would know who got what and how the money was distributed. But that shitty movie makes her look like a hero. And Flint doesn’t need civil lawsuits, the town is poor enough already. They need a

Yeah, ambition is only a bad thing for women though, you know. We’re supposed to shut up and be nice and never try. Dog forbid you try “too hard”. That’s just not done! (You can't see it but my eyes have rolled out of my skull and are attempting to trip everyone)

Clinton has always attracted the worst viciousness. It’s getting particularly bad, because we’ve reached the point where today’s young liberals don’t remember how many conspiracy theories were levied against her in the 90's. They can no longer tell the difference between leftist critiques and old right-wing canards.

See, Jess has the power of prognostication and can accurately inform us that in our eight years under Hillary Clinton, never once would there be a domestic policy effort to increase mental health care access and affordability. I thought that was perfectly obvious from her comment.

Offensive. It’s bullshit that people claiming to be progressive or liberal are attempting to reduce Hillary Clinton to her reproductive organs. She is strong, experienced, well spoken, and very capable. If you* disagree with her values or policies, address those issues - stop fucking harping about her body parts, it

It strikes me as a little disingenuous that so many of us who supported a very unqualified Barack Obama (including me) are suddenly now all about the qualifications.

Say what you will about her trustworthiness

Hillary knows two things: 1, that she was going to lose the fuck out of New Hampshire. 2, that she is going to ruin Bernie’s whole entire shit going forward.

You’ve missed the point if you think anyone is saying you shouldn’t be concerned about the direction the country is going or that you should be passive. The point is to examine WHY you back a certain candidate for the less overt biases that are inherent in support. And look at who you think is best capable of

I used to be a “head is for Clinton, heart is for Sanders” Democrat until I read this:

Being a sore loser and not conceding when he loses, shit talking the organizations when he doesn’t get their endorsements, stealing campaign data, whining about the establishment when he almost exclusively gets positive press and now constantly changing the conditions after agreeing to them - it’s Bernie’s world

Well, she does have some right to frame her own experiences, no? I hope you didn’t break off the relationship based on this story alone.

> (By the end of that message board thread, Lipschultz had been banned from NeoGAF.)

You have a greater chance of being killed driving your car to work on Monday than ever even encountering another human being with a weapon, let alone a gun, being pointed at you. You also have a greater chance of that cheeseburger you bought from McDonald’s clogging your arteries and taking you out with a heart