That sounds like a very interesting course.
That sounds like a very interesting course.
She supported it long before Obama - she was marching in pride parades while he was being used for the Prop 8 fiasco. People evolve and change, except I guess if you are stuck unquestioning with the same views for forty years.
Hey, Chris Hayes is pretty good. He's gotten almost as good as Rachel, actually.
Good riddance. I don’t think there was a single thing she has been right about. Seriously about as bad as that Scarborough.
We will probably never see another woman candidate in our lifetime on the Dem side, no. There is a huge gap in new Democratic politicians.
How fucking typical of a feminist to dismiss the story of a male rape.
The hilarious thing is that, going by the standards of the movement and the state of California, the second part of your example would clearly be rape. Because she - or, just as statistically likely, he - did not stop to say yes every five seconds, or sign a notarized contract with lawyers present. Because apparently…
Nope, not even close. Just been seeing what effect your movement has had on other men my age.
All this about “affirmative consent” bullshit is doing what I imagine is you and your allies goal - making men scared. Scared to engage women, scared to talk to them, scared to be around them. It’s creating a near autistic situation where verbal consent is the only acceptable form.
Nope! You had sex, regretted it, now claim rape. Pretty common. This part is crucial.
Can we send a case of specially bottled Flint water?
No one is mentioning that a judge just ruled that shut offs and the 35% price increase in their water bills can go through. One woman said she had to pay a three hundred plus water bill for water that isn’t safe to use. This is insane. No one that has been affected by this should have to be paying for the privilege of…
Also kidney failure. I was watching the local news, (I am a couple counties over), and watched them interview a family. The woman said her 15 year old daughter has extremely high lead levels and now has kidney failure. I hope every affected individual in the city of Flint gets together and sues the state. It ought to…
Luckily, in this country we are not nearly as overbearing and restrictive about our rights as our European and Anglophone neighbors.
Why do people have more than one car? You can only drive one car at a time, after all.
That is nice colection of authoritarian organizations you have there.
Most of which are gang related, and doesn’t matter statistically.
Islamic head coverings are inherently misogynistic, and any liberal who supports them because ~~-*divirsity and multiculturalism*-~~ is supporting a slippery slope towards strict religious conservativism.