Jordan McFall


Agree! I felt betrayed for Sunil when she told Darryl he was her "best *male* friend" —- and wonder if when he comes back they'll acknowledge that she seemed to drop him when her life got crazy (understandable in some ways).

I think he's a representation of Rebecca's need to blame her behavior on something outside of herself. Definitely seems to be created from her musical madness.

Mr. Wind definitely got old—although some part of me wonders if there was some point to that? I liked the way he fit into Rebecca's Mind/World in that of course her impulsive, bad decisions aren't her responsibility, but a supernatural weather force, a la The Full Moon. He seemed to come up a lot because Rebecca

Yeah she's def an Ravenclaw or Slytherclaw. Honestly, at this point, I tend to think people shy away from claiming Gryffindor because it's been the "cool" house for so long. I think it's braggy to say you're not Grynffindor. Maybe I'm in the minority?

I thought the conversation between Valencia and Rebecca was genuine and honest (if a little muted) to where both characters are at growth-wise this season. Between the two to of the Valencia seems to have processed her feelings for Josh a little better than Rebecca and both truly value the friendship they've built.