Jordan Katterheinrich

Haha, are you serious? These are more cinematic. Yes, they are color graded but this movie is way more well done than the ghost story & murder mystery crap they churn out on cable.

The same could be said for Kurt ODing. He did heroin in the past. And said he had been depressed in the past. That doesn't mean he wanted to end his life in '94. Don't fall for it!

You're joking, right? You think a PI is going to get the blueprints to a house before he goes to have a look around? He was hired by Courtney who told him not to have someone watch the house with the explanation that Kurt would be "hiding out" if he were in Seattle. She didn't want Tom in town until 2 days before he

Not directly, but you asked for evidence that the PD that investigated his death was corrupt. I'd say the fact that the sergeant who was in charge of the murder scene resigning due to corruption allegations leans in the direction of the PD being somewhat corrupt. Or are you naive enough to think it was a one time

Baaahahahaha. You are a troll. There is a difference between watching someone shoot themselves in the face on national television and discovering a body. Show me video evidence of Kurt shooting himself in the face with a shotgun and I would agree with you. Until then, the Seattle PD jumped to conclusions without

Also, the fact that the sergeant that handled this case later resigned because he had been found planting evidence at the scene of a crime is a pretty obvious indicator that he wasn't the most honest cop. Then when they did re-examine the case, it was reviewed by the Seattle PD. Not only that, but one of the same

Yes. But heroin & needles next to his body reiterates the "Oh look, another junkie couldn't handle real life and would rather kill himself than seek help." narrative. He was getting better. He was in the process of divorcing Courtney and sobering up. He was giving up the opportunity to make more money in show business

To silence the one person that was willing to speak out. He was a drunk, and much like a heroin addict, easier to dispose of without much of an investigation into his death because people assume he had it coming. The timing of his death is odd.

How does R. Budd Dwyer's nationally broadcasted suicide have anything to do with this? Moot point.

Its not overkill. They wanted to make him look like an addict. People are more prone to assume suicide when they think someone is just a stung out junkie. They had a prenuptial agreement that left Courtney with far less money than she thought she was entitled to. Her lawyer is quoted in saying she asked her to find

If you guys would watch the documentary you would see that there are multiple forensic experts, a chief of police, and the first responder to the scene that all agree the investigation was carried out hastily, with little to no investigation into avenues other than a suicide. They thought it was clear cut from the

Oh, you mean like El Duce saying Courtney offered to pay him 50k to whack her old man (passed a lie detector test while making the same claim), accidentally naming Allen Wrench while drunk in an interview with BBC, then being killed by a train 3 days after the BBC documentary aired. And who was he last seen with?

How many people are going to discredit this movie before actually watching it? Watch the fucking film before you spew ignorance. The movie isn't solely based on the heroin levels. That is a small piece in a much larger puzzle that argues the case should be re-opened & investigated by a neutral party.

Watch the movie before you judge.

First line from Wiki:
"The documentary is directed by Brett Morgen who began work on it in 2007 when Cobain's widow, Courtney Love, approached him with the idea."

Cool story bro.

You'd be amazed at what a heroin addict can accomplish when there are literally millions of dollars to be made. Especially when you're a talentless hack who is riding the coat tails of an actual musician.

Watch the movie. There are multiple, well established, highly trained officers that agree this wasn't an open & closed case. The Seattle PD botched this & didn't even attempt to investigate other avenues. People need to see the movie before they spew ignorance.

They don't get ripped to shreds because they are well done. Watch the movie before you critique. They aren't your typical over filtered, heavy vignette, TLC reenactments. They aren't perfect, but flow in and out of recorded conversations nicely.