
The David Wolfe nutzos and the Dr. Mercola/Naturtal News posters drive me up the freaking wall.

My step brother is a cancer researcher in Houston. He is constantly removing people off his feed who accuse him of shilling for Big Pharma and/or suggesting that researchers are somehow *hiding* the cancer curing properties of baking soda.

Someone I went to high school with developed a pretty rare kind of brain cancer (luckily he is now in remission) and he and his wife had to delete so many people on Facebook who were imploring them to try to cure it with apple cider vinegar and baking soda and marijuana. Their response was some variation of “we have

Well in the states they could have not brought him in for treatment because they couldn’t afford it, and there wouldn’t be a lot anyone could do about that.

I’m 100% sure that most Mormons allow their children basic medical care, though.

i know, i didn’t say it was harmful. but it’s too much and i have second-hand embarrassment watching it.

lol i am so embarrassed for anne hathaway. jesus

I have yet to meet an adult pot head who just occasionally gets high. Instead you will make plans with them for dinner or a movie and they’ll show up high. They’ll make plans on the weekend around the times and places they can get high. Its boring and obnoxious, so although I don’t care if people smoke pot, do I want

that’s what i thought fight off- eurotrash greatness and she would SLAY over there.

Now playing

She’s reminding me of my favorite Eurovision troll Silvia Night! Go 2006!

How are her breasts doing that??

Blonde Bleona (give or take a decade or two)

so over people saying ‘no shade’ it’s the new “no offense” or “not to be a bitch”

Except it is really not that new. Conservation has been a driving force for zoological facilities for the last several decades.

Right, zoos are just the main groups actively involved in animal conservation. But what do you really care about that? Oh right, you don’t care.

It’s true. She never stops.

I just love it when, after a lifetime of searching, a person finds their porpoise in life.

1) Not “everyone” has followed the Ke$ha story. For months & months I heard Ke$ha & tuned out. I am not the only one. It was only recently that I learned what was going on. She wasn’t on my radar & what was a civil lawsuit didn’t interest me. Criminal suits catch my attention- not civil ones.

I wouldn’t turn down a celebrity paycheck, but I’m often grateful to not be a celebrity with everyone always up in my grill about who I do/don’t work with, what I think of my colleagues, what I eat/don’t eat, etc.

But in a new interview, the writer of that song—Meghan “No” Trainor—has defended Lopez, saying that she fell for the song before she even knew Luke had produced it.