
Fabio, for all his immense fame, simply has not been on that large a percentage of the romance novel covers through history

Am I the only one that thinks this looks like the awesome Helena Bonham Carter?

This picture is straight Madonna circa 1991.

God, I hope so. We need Russ to help save us! Maybe we should start a campaign to convince him to run again :)

Yeah, but as you said, it's the exception, not the rule. He's claiming that it's the majority of people - thus his argument that the entire system is rife with people who are abusing it. I'm certain that there are some people who do abuse it (just like there are certainly corporations who abuse the tax system, AHEM)

Seriously, fuck this dude. It's so hard to live in Wisconsin right now with all these nuts in power. Ugh.

This dude seriously thinks clerks should be able to ask about someone's disability. How great. We had this discussion on another post - just because someone doesn't LOOK disabled doesn't mean they AREN'T. As I told the shithead who demanded proof of my disability (fibromyalgia, RA, and only one working lung) when I

So the Tea Party hates "government interference" in the lives of private citizens, but they're totally cool with "civilian busybodies" invading the lives of private citizens?

the thing is, it's not like you get unlimited food stamps. so if you buy 8 lobster tails on the first of the month, you're going to learn very quickly through your very hungry following 29 days that that was not a great choice.

So what you're saying is that people being paid minimum wage for a job they most likely hate DO NOT make for reliable informants?

I'm much, much, much more concerned with our bloated military budget than I'll ever be with social program fraud.

For fuck's sake. It's none of your goddamn business!!!!! You're not the sole taxpayer contributing to these programs! If a parent wants to get their kid actual Cheerios instead of fucking CardboardCircleO's or whatever the generic shit is so they can feel like they're a fucking human being worthy of quality products

So, to sum up: You're poor so you've lost the right to enjoy anything. Brand names are for winners.

More importantly, what kind of dirt does Amber have on Kanye??

Was anyone else one of those uber-sensitive kids who ascribed feelings to their toys and stuffed animals? I used to play with all of my toys on a rotation because I was afraid of hurting their feelings. I kind of did that with my clothes too - I would feel guilty if I didn't wear my red shirt for a while because I was

She's not my best friend, nor does she have a man voice.


Maybe that's my deal, too. I'm just caught off-guard by how precisely she enunciates.

Maybe we thought we were secretly BFFs. I know it's delusional, but I feel like she's a famous person I "know." ALTHOUGH APPARENTLY I CAN'T EVEN HANDLE HER SPEAKING VOICE.

Gwen is on point!

Yeah, but you have to clean the squeezer then. UGH CLEANING :D

Only Brad Paisley is allowed to suck at a Brad Paisley concert!