
For me, the picture of the woman carrying her mother is so heart-wrenching. What a tender picture of strength. Families and communities can be strongest when structures lie in rubble...

App makers - there appears to be a void for a utility that will add a favorite/starred/saved place across multiple sites, e.g. I want to set a location in a single app that will sync across google, apple, HERE, etc.

Are you crowdfunding?

"...So I booked my ticket back that night. It was definitely the right decision." <——-The play by play of this night should be your next post. Realizing when the adventure is in the return is something we all face.

Great insight. I'm sure the tests are out there, but I'd be interested in the dry times for standard down vs. hydrophobic vs. synthetic. That can be a killer when the feet of your sleeping bag gets wet, and it's 2 days before it's really dry. It seems like this will keep the insulative value, but being wet is still a

I find this very interesting, because pretty much all the discussions of hydrophobic down I've seen basically say: Don't count on this being any different than normal down if you were caught in the rain and it wetted out, but it will make a significant difference on the internally generated moisture (sweat vapor)

I think you mean the man at 1:17...

Gak smell tho...

Ouray Colorado is where it's at in the lower half.

We were hoping to climb it in March for a winter ascent, but it looks like we will have to push for summer... Is there a peak in the world that contrasts the gnarly and the everyday so strongly? Maybe Scotland...

Ama Dablam, Machapuchare, Gasherbrum IV, K2, Ushba… Somehow I feel immense beauty and terror combined from these peaks…

I believe that despite daily bear encounters by tourists, no one has ever been killed by a black bear in Yosemite.

Trash compactor bags are the ultimate trash bags - way thicker and more durable.

This is super useful (just used an offline map from Google Maps like crazy on my iPhone while in Yosemite Nat'l Park), but an important thing to keep in mind: You can't start new directions when you don't have service, you can only continue current directions or see your current location.If you need directions, start

Any discussion of cheap gear has to mention Sierra Trading Post - it's basically TJ Maxx for outdoor gear, then get on their mailing list and get 25-45% discounts off the already lower prices. Also 6 months no-questions returns. Seriously can't be beat.

Out of curiosity, I'd be interested in your thoughts on the dogs: I have two adventurous dogs who accompany us often when I'm certain things aren't going to get spicy…but it sounds like there were several times that they almost brought serious consequences in your story. Any changes to future plans? Hard to say no to

I think we actually agree with each other - I'm saying this is a great follow-up, emphasizing what can be learned from a few of the mistakes (mistakes that are way smaller than some I've made on adventures).

Agreed. I LOVE indefinitely wild, and it's often the highlight of my reading day...but felt like the last article showed poor choices from the first few paragraphs in. I didn't comment to avoid sounding like a boner (I am 30 now, so I recognize I'm a risk-averse loser). However, the Lessons Learned section redeems

What's crazy is that his missing finger is NOT from when he was kidnapped off a wall (with 3 other climbers) in Kyrgyzstan by armed rebels for 6 days and had to push an armed guard off a cliff to escape. No Lie.

See my earlier reply for links to answer your questions (all free reading, no reason to spend $$ at this stage).