The Aukey 7 port USB Hub has been sold out for 3 days now, and you’ve been linking to a 6 port without USB-C PD pass through...
The Aukey 7 port USB Hub has been sold out for 3 days now, and you’ve been linking to a 6 port without USB-C PD pass…
The Aukey 7 port USB Hub has been sold out for 3 days now, and you’ve been linking to a 6 port without USB-C PD pass through...
The Aukey 7 port USB Hub has been sold out for 3 days now, and you’ve been linking to a 6 port without USB-C PD pass…
First, I truly love Peak Design several products. I have spent $$ on them! However, this one has some serious question marks for me. Hopefully I’m proved wrong:
- Not being able to adjust/tilt the ballhead without extending the center column is just crazy to me, and doesn’t just make it seem limited to a travel…
First, I truly love Peak Design several products. I have spent $$ on them! However, this one has some serious…
I just finished the book The Age of Surveillance Capitalism:The Fight for a Human Future at a New Frontier of Power. Makes me think that these types of apps are the worst, but they pale in comparison to the ways FB, Google, and Amazon have obscured the ways they track (and try to influence) us. I heavily use all these…
Grandpa’s Balls.
Grandpa’s Balls.
I continue to be on the search for a semi-breaking news source that is incentivized by accuracy rather than sensationalism/drama/ads/etc.
My Question: Do AT tires offer any benefit over normal tires in the winter/snow? Recognizing not as good as a set of true winter tires...
The greatest obstacle to running in the morning for me: ye olde morning duece. I love running in the morning and being outside, but I know I will have to hit the john about 50% of the time. I can’t figure out a schedule for eating to avoid this, I think my body just wants to twosie in the hour after waking up.
I’m 100% positive that is Patrick Stewart in the GIF.
I’m in the same situation - nothing will make it work with my ATT Iphone 6.
Uh Oh. What if your grandmother and my mom are at the same baggage claim?
Can someone who owns this note if it covers any of the outlet below the plug on a surge protector (where the space between outlets is pretty condensed)?
Can someone who owns this note if it covers any of the outlet below the plug on a surge protector (where the space…
My mom — pastor’s wife in a very conservative Christian denomination, whom I love dearly — has the biggest gay pride rainbow ribbon tied on her roller. Easy to spot from a mile away.
Thanks! I’d love a comparison (or links) to a Xiami Yi...Much appreciated!
Thanks! I’d love a comparison (or links) to a Xiami Yi...Much appreciated!
I also have Crohn’s - I have Crohn’s Runs, Crohn’s Hikes, Crohn’s Climbs, Crohn’s Soccer’s all one big hunt for the dumpster!
Any suggestions to avoid using sugar? We’re on a non-added/refined sugar kick...
Burkhard in the house!
Moving to a fixed prime lens as primary has been the best thing ever for my photography. Good to hear you're doing the same - even if I wish more people were using Sony!
Moving to a fixed prime lens as primary has been the best thing ever for my photography. Good to hear you're doing…
Wirecutter has a comparison (pros and cons to both):
Wirecutter has a comparison (pros and cons to both):
Here is an excellent guide to other lenses for the camera if the kit lens leaves you wanting:…
Here is an excellent guide to other lenses for the camera if the kit lens leaves you wanting:…
Solution: Buy the Sigma 30mm F2.8 for $199 on Amazon or used for $130-140 on ebay. It doesn't have stabilization, and it's a bit slower, but it's actually sharper across the frame than the sony F1.8 (full disclosure, I did upgrade to the Sony for the sake of the faster lens).
Solution: Buy the Sigma 30mm F2.8 for $199 on Amazon or used for $130-140 on ebay. It doesn't have stabilization,…