
Thanks for the interview! One part of a mountain guide's life that isn't included is the income from a guide lifestyle? I'd be interested in what an AMGA vs non AMGA guide makes, and how consistent income can be throughout the year (perhaps in different parts of the year).

Thanks for the interview! One part of a mountain guide's life that isn't included is the income from a guide lifestyle? I'd be interested in what an AMGA vs non AMGA guide makes, and how consistent income can be throughout the year (perhaps in different parts of the country).

Would love to get some of the original photos...screen caps aren't high res.

Can someone explain why they predominantly seem to head to the northeast? Coriolis effect? Or just the wind direction?

I would love to see this overlaid with Hurricane paths, earthquake epicenters, forest fires, and blizzards. Let's see where the safest place to live is!

Way less fun, but as a sufferer of Crohn's Disease (an autoimmune disease of the digestive system, and one of the main uses for medicinal marijuana), this can't come soon enough if it could be a legalized US verison.

Any place that we can check such a database online? I'd love to check it out, even if it's not via phone...

More craigslist articles please...I estimate that I've made about $40,000 flipping things on craigslist - mostly electronics, but including everything from a suit of armor to Swarovski crystals. And we've paid taxes on all of it, which hurts! Also we have traded 15 scooters, 10 cars, and virtually everything in our

Is that Albert Pujols? He must be bored in LA.

Yet everyone you ask is trying to decide between ipad2 and Fire based on their simply being a tablet...tablets as a product line are still new enough that people don't know what they want, and what value they should assign various specs and features. Right now, everyone I talk to just want to know which is "better";

Don't laze me bro!

Match is exactly what I need, based on my internet work does not have a wifi network, and the ATT 3G connection is weak enough that I can't stream music reliably from pandora, spotify, etc. However, I can now select the music I want, let it download for a few minutes as a sort of buffer, and be ready

Every time I tell people the pros and cons of iOS vs Android, the lack of this functionality is one of the things i say you will miss from iOS. Now if only the settings could be changed as a profile based on the time of day, wifi vs. cell network, plugged in status, etc...

The only real downside is that you can count on any heat-inducing activities to also be battery-draining activities.

Waiting in the store to complete buying a 32gb ATT currently - I called around to many places, and virtually all were sold out of the 32, but every single one had several 16gb available. Good for the bottom line - selling out of the higher margin, larger sizes.

Nobody gives any love to airplay mirroring? You know, the potential take-over-the-wii feature?

As a crohn's disease (autoimmune gastro-intestinal disease) patient, I often have a 747 passing by an erupting volcano being climbed by a bulldozer. In my tummy.

Possible other change is the CDMA/GSM chip for the Verizonites and Sprintians...

In addition, 1300mrem inside your body is dramatically more harmful than 1300mrem outside your alpha- and beta-radiation blocking skin.