YES. And better dressed.
YES. And better dressed.
Has a contingency of black and brown gay men or perhaps some old black ladies from the south gone down under to properly demonstrate the glory of shade?
I thought EXACTLY the same thing. “Why does Kate Winslet look so tired? Should we be worried about Kate Winslet now?”
My senior year in college, I lived in an un-airconditioned house in Arizona. We saw sooooo many movies, always preceded by the same joke about how we were just like our grandmothers, going to the talking pictures because they had that modr’en refrigeration.
Emma Thompson’s not involved in the project for exactly that reason — she said it was way too soon after losing Rickman.
False. Even among my grandmother’s sons — as white a group of guys as you could hope to find, according to the DNA test — only 33.3% of them are named Steve..
A large percentage of my friends are and/or date white gay men, and I spent most of my 20s just calling every guy they dated Matt, Scott, or Brian because I couldn’t keep them fucking straight (and because forreals, they were all named Matt, Scott, or Brian).
With cradle phones, there was an audible click when you picked up the second receiver in the house. The key was to unplug the phone cord from the receiver, pick it up, and then reinsert the plug to begin eavesdropping.
You could make an argument for the OJ case getting it started even earlier. I can take a lot, but the CNN Constant Countdown of Red DOOOOOM is driving me over the edge.
Not related, but can CNN fuck right off with the constant countdown clocks already? It was one thing during the two years of the election cycle, when they were ALWAYS counting down to the next debate / primary / what have you. Now it’s just an incessant ticker whittling away the moments until Trump broadcasts the…
Ed Miliband — as dopey and boring as he sometimes comes off — SMOLDERS in person. Like absolutely radiates heat. Like if you were in the press gallery when he walked into Commons, you might have the sudden and uncontrollable urge to throw your panties at him.
His sock game is strong.
I’ve heard the same sort of thing, including from former WH staffers/interns and someone who worked as his personal aide for several years after he left office. And the elder Bushes are also quite close friends with the Clintons — Bill will probably take it as hard (and show it more) as any of the actual sons when HW…
I can’t see Ben Affleck’s Live By Night costume...
It’s based on a Dennis LeHane book, so odds are it’s at least partly set in Boston.
They are infinite, and not constrained by time or space. They can be in all of our minds at once.
They also trounce Paltrow and Martin in the “which amicably divorced celebrity couple would you most want to have a threesome with?” contest that’s currently being held in my mind.
That dog is like “I fucking hated Face/Off, and don’t even start me on Battlefield Earth, you Xenon fellating d-bag. Also, Ross was better than you in the OJ show. Now put me the fuck down.”
I still love MASH, but I’ll totally acknowledge that it’s as much white liberal ideology porn as it is a sitcom, especially in the later seasons.
In my defense, it went off the air when I was two — which is why I only remember ads for the late night reruns. But from the same rough era of TV, I remember watching MASH, WKRP, The Jeffersons, and whichever of Bob Newhart’s shows was on at that point with my parents, and then Wonder Woman, Bionic Woman, and Charlie’s…