Seriously, the guy obviously follows the Musk School of losing money.
Seriously, the guy obviously follows the Musk School of losing money.
This is a bummer but what would be cool is if Kotaku could be done with Jim Spanfeller, a man who is both an herb and hilariously bad at his job.
This doesn’t look like a how-to guide for BG3, does Spanfeller know about this?
I hate that shit. You need ore to buy crystals, and you convert crystals gems to buy upgrades for your pieces.
A game about using capitalism to bankrupt as many people as possible, enhanced to encourage people into going broke gambling on bells and whistles.
Says a lot about the self-awareness of anyone spending consistently on it.
And all for a game that is, to put it very simply: fucking awful.
Quick Google agrees. He does not, and effectively never did, wear a monocle.
If anyone wanted to know what Baldur’s Gate III with microtransactions would look like, well, now you get your chance to find out.
that’s all nice and good, BUT...can i customize every aspect of my characters junk? that’s the important question that needs answering!
The funny part is that, in terms of the actual buying power needed to purchase them, games are literally cheaper than they’ve ever been. Even at a $70 price point.
Or we can construct criticism in a calm, diplomatic way instead of constantly trying to hurt or one up each other. The devs seems committed to making the game the best user experience possible and sometimes they make a mistake. Breath and explain why you don’t like something without berating them.
That is absolutely not true. Individual rights have been around going back to ancient sumaria. Its possible earlier, we just dont have written records earlier than that. That their prominence has increased over the last 500 years isnt remotely shocking, the worlds population increased, population densities…
More importantly....why do 90% of all games star white dudes. Im white, we arent 90% of the population in the US, where the majority of games protagonists are from.
I once got into it with someone years ago in these comments about diversity in sci-fi stories, specifically about an imaginary story about a group of friends that got shipwrecked on an alien planet. They said that if all of the characters were white guys, there didn’t need to be any other explanations on their…
My favorite qoute about being “woke” came from Howard Stern of all people, and I’ll all for it:
Why are you asking “why is this person gay” in a videogame? It doesn’t need to have anything to do with the fucking plot; there are gay people in real life, sometimes that’s just a person.
“At the end of the day it seems like both sides are talking about the same thing. SBI’s right wing critics insist that SBI is intentionally putting DEI elements into their story and SBI pretty much admits to it”
Did we read the same article because they didn’t admit to that at all? They said that the DEI elements…
I’m still annoyed about how ‘woke’ has been taken out of context for agendas in the first place.