Jordan Montanez

i live in phoenix arizona and i see this happening all the time.. i mean they dont fly in circles more like a straigt line and this is casual one dosent notice because one thinks this is normal.... hmmm.. thats weird.

@branchan: no problem.. im pretty sure if you have the money and the time to track someone down and have em make it for you they would. it would probably cost the same thing as a car or something tho lol..

@DustyButt: and can we please have space travel that dosent last 6 minutes? i mean you pay all that money so you can have 6 minutes in space.. cmon an hour or two maybe?

i totally wanna get this.. only reason im not is because the price is shy of the touch.. when you get this as a watch, how would you listen to music while walking or running? i imagine your movment would knock the headphones out your ear no? i mean i run with my hand up to my chest or some similar height. i dunno...

@sbunny: OMG! a girl that actually knows a bit about tech! the world is really gonna end soon...... no offense.. :) but im glad to see some girls around here.

i wont be happy until some mad scientist makes this puppy.

this article seems to be more like a advertisement more then ''tips''.

just installed on my computer. it looks okay.. i had a little bit of trouble with the sound scheme tho.. it kept repeting some ennoying sounds but other then that its good. :)

okay okayy relax... breathe in and count backward from 10....10...9...8....THIS RUINED A PERFECTLY GOOD SHOW :(

my two year old nephew comes up too me telling me...color tio color. so i have no idea what he means so i hand him my iphone. i watched him do his thing. he procceded to unlock the phone as one should. look for the doodle buddy app and color his mind off. also he plays mw2 when he finds it. smart kid.

why is the UN logo in the pik lol

my girlfriend works in one of these amazon wonders in phoenix arizona.. theyre pretty big wearhouses. she scans the barcodes and then puts the boxes in the right pallet based on zip