Jordaan Mylonas

Ant time you download an Android app, it tells you exactly what it is able to access, and you have to agree to it to install it.

@sirjordan186: If you could go ahead and adjust those privacy settings, that'd be greeeeeeeat *sips coffee*

@westau: 1 Account can be used on multiple consoles. Also, $40 is pittance. Also, compared to PSN, XBL is a much richer experience in basically every regard. Not saying PSN is bad, but XBL is significantly better (IMHO, of course)

@DonLuc: Obviously, sir, you have a fake. Everyone knows that Apple products "Just Work".

Hold it sideways and its a Courier :P

I have to ask, as someone who's never understood camp-outs like this, what do you benefit from this? You lose sleep and time, and you get your new toy 1-2 days/weeks before anyone else? Big whoop. Is your current toy so horrible that being stuck with it for 1-2 days/weeks longer intolerable?