
They are TEMPORARILY taking out the pay to win model. Do you not understand what temporarily means? They’re only doing this to boost starting sales, and by the time december ends, they’ll put them back into the game since no one can get the game refunded at that point.

Then you’re not seeing the big picture. If EA gets away with this shit than other less disliked publishers will try it too and suddenly this gambling shit is the new normal. That’s what is at stake and why people are upset. They don’t want this loot box crap in everything. Because if EA can get away with it than

There’s a slight problem with that logic. People want a Star Wars shooter game. People want to buy a Star Wars shooter game. This is a Star Wars shooter game. But it has several predatory practices bundled into it. So complaining about the specific practices is the only way to give feedback that would not be confused

That is where you are wrong my friend. It sets a dangerous precedent. If we let this go without bitching about it that just tells them they can continue to do this. (which they’re still going to do anyway)

they said they will rework that system to be more in line with what the cconsumers actually want, so what more do you want? they literally told us, and then did, exactly what we wanted, why are people still bitching about it?

It doesn’t work like that anymore. Whales generate the major earnings, in order to draw whales, you need to have “normal players” and to have “normal players” you have to hide the game as a normal game.

You act as if this isn’t some sort of precedent setting issue. You think all the other game publishers out there aren’t looking at this uproar and thinking about how they want a nice smooth launch with lots of sales? You think the minority is nearly 700k downvotes on a subreddit COMMENT? You think the fact that EA had

Overwatch is pure cosmetic this wasn’t. Huge difference.

Oh man...if this isn’t just a desperate justification for being a whale, I don’t know what is. “Oh, yes based god EA! Please nickel and dime us so you can possibly grace us with a free map pack.” Jeez that’s pathetic.

I’ve noted that when people trash your argument, you tend to go off on someone else and call their viewpoint “nonsense”. No, that’s incorrect. So many disagree with you, and that is why this has happened. EA has softened their greedy grip on the industry a bit. We’re making small waves in this giant ocean of

“I am not bothered in the slightest by the loot box situation,”

I have no idea what your deal is.

The Singleplayer is still only 4 hours long, we haven’t won anything.

I’m sorry, but at what point does any of that make what EA okay? Yes, game companies want to make money. Sure, fine. THE DIFFERENCE IS—most game companies are able to strike a balance artist integrity and business. It’s not just the fact that EA wants your money, it’s that EA purposely made the multiplayer experience

Didn’t is not the same as shouldn’t. You’re right; no one is being forced to spend money to make their characters stronger, faster. But the fact that it exists is insane. It’s a giant middle finger to customers because it’s a competitive multiplayer game. It’s EA telling players that if they lose in multiplayer for

“I have no arguments.”

Got it.

Yes... temporary.

You’re the one unable to let go of the fact that people are justifiably pissed at EA for their predatory and shady bussiness practices.

I can read just fine, dude. Just like how I easily read between the lines and saw you for the EA apologist you clearly are. You seem very okay with this gambling shit and are so ready to defend it and accuse people who dislike it of not knowing how to read. It’s cute, really, how much you love your corporate overlords

Nice try EA. *goes back to playing Overwatch*