
I liked the BBC Article very much unsurprising considering its written by the omnipotent Beeb!)

Think they could bring them over to the UK?

I wrote a blog post about this and Apple's: Check, Consume, Create ethos.

I am waiting for iOS4 on the iPad to allow multi-tasking and then it will go back to being numero uno.

Put simply, we should all pay higher prices for our electronics to stop this happening.

Yes I am victim to hearing this most days with my dad although I recall much more swearing...

Well i am glad to say that this will probably replace my point and shoot and so I can get a DSLR! canon 500d ftw

Bored of all these. Are they supposed to be funny or ACTUALLY used to determine if you should buy something? Neither work for me.

@bonedog73: I am sure the man was a monster but regardless, I still find capital punishment a sickening and archaic practice. Something I like to think is unnecessary in modern society.

Sorry, but I am more disgusted by capital punishment. I know you will shun me all but here in the UK I really hope we don't go backwards and reinstate it.

Hmm... I don't think you can have a go at Apple for being homophobic, there is just a simple lack of consistency (which is ironic for perfectly symmetrical Apple) in their censorship/approval process, even if it is a little overly conservative.

One word: zaggSHIELD

As I said, one thing I am proud aout for the UK! :D

Oh my I can see this comments section turning nasty!

Don't feel sorry for you and your "slow" broadband. try living in rural wales!

@medopal: Agreed. But last WWDC it was pretty drab.

Whoa... with all the rumours, WWDC this year sounds to be absolutely F-U-L-L of announcements :)

Meh... cool-ish.

@aprofetto: Hahaha.. i love it when he says... you just... DO!?! :D