As a Texan, FUCK OFF, Ken Paxton.
As a Texan, FUCK OFF, Ken Paxton.
Praise the tiny baby Jesus that we don’t have the Clintons and their family drama in the White House. Can you even imagine? Whew! Bullet dodged.
Milo is speaking for weak White males, gay or straight, who get off on humiliating others.
Yes. This is my takeaway from this whole week as well. No wonder feminism has stalled. “Progressive” men cannot be trusted.
Lindy’s resilience, strength, and tremendous writing are aspirational.
I’m tenure track at a community college and the lowest paid administrator (who has been in that position as long as I’ve been full time) makes three times my salary. If they ever give us back our cost of living raises, by the time I retire (thirty years from now) I still will be making twenty thousand less than her…
This is me. I work at a small university in Oregon. The only reason I survive is because my husband secured a professorship. It’s important to understand the alienation going on here in addition to economic inequalities. While I teach in the english department, my “office” is across campus, in a small cubicle in a…
Adjuncts are, of course, far more likely to be female than tenured professors are.
As a reminder, these are people teaching a roomful of students that pay well over the average income of a family to be at college. At $3K per course, teaching 10 students, the teacher is bringing in $30K per class per term for the university. If they teach two classes per term, that’s $120K per year. They’re seeing…
0.5 liters of water per person and 1 cot for every 148 people. I’m sure the American Citizens of Puerto Rico will be forever grateful to FEMA for that.
Damn Porto Rico crashing their economy through federal legislation they had no vote on and fought against. If only another piece of federal legislation they also got no vote on hadn’t fucked their ability to respond to debt.
so fucked. we judge the male perps by their potential future, while judging the female victims by their past. AMERICA.
Ah yes, The Forgotten Man. The poor white guy who has somehow been “forgotten” and led down a dark path by a nefarious....Darkie. White men of the past can only wag a shamefilled finger as Obama destroyed America.
if I never see a “fancy” polyester satin camisole with jeans and stiletto heels again in my life I will be something remotely approaching happy.
Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.
Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.
My mother is an avid reader. She’s probably forgotten more books than I’ve ever read, even though she passed her love of reading on to me.
One of my best friends left her husband with her small child when he beat the shit out of her. She called 911 while speeding away in her car with her child in the backseat. A few hours later I was with her, and it took me 7 hours to convince her to call the police back with the details so that they would criminally…
We’re better than this: Ann and Cecil Richards, Wendy Davis, Congressman Henry B Gonzales, Carter Walker Wesley etc. we’ve been gerrymandered and are fighting our way out of these clowns.
Wouldn’t a “tubular pregnancy” be non-viable anyway?