
I don't have her costume completely finished for this year, but here's the one I made for my cat Lilly last year.

Just upset that Texas isn't on that list.

Dodai, I knew this day was coming, and I feared it, because you have been my favorite writer here and I have really appreciated your perspective and your skill as a writer. Fusion is lucky to have you, and I will be checking it out regularly. Thank you so much for your years here.

How shrewd of the Obamas to adopt daughters who look exactly like them.

FYI: Spoilers from book ahead.

DS9 is also on Netflix/Amazon Prime. Ron Moore's first foray into dark sci-fi. A great precursor to BSG.

His Doctor reminds me more of Hartnell, Pertwee, Colin Baker, and McCoy. The grumpy know-it-all of One and Six, the proactive mad scientist of Three, and the manipulator of Seven.

I guess Agent 355 isn't on this list because she has no superhuman powers?

To be fair green behind the gills is not inaccurate for Jamie

thank you.

Jessica, I am so proud of you for standing up for your site, your authors and your commenting community.

I say we start a petition to have someone meticulously edit a beard onto him in every frame.

THANK YOU. I don't want fake compliments. I don't want robo compliments. I want to look nice and not like my outfit was modeled after a tablecloth draped over an elephant.

I jumped from academia to government a couple years ago because of shrinking availability of grant money for research. A year later, I was invited to participate in a forum on non-academic jobs for grad students (along with several counterparts from the private sector) sponsored by my professional society... and it

I've waited too damn long for a Stargate prequel. I'm ready.

Here is my sports bra PSA: I am a runner with natural Ds and I'm kind of an old lady (43). I recently discovered the Moving Comfort Juno and I LOVE it. My boyfriend came into the room smiling when I was on the treadmill and his face fell immediately and he said "they aren't moving AT ALL!". Nope, no they aren't. Bless

Now playing

I know it's best said before but Vastra, Jenny and Strax are screaming for a spin-off:

I thought he was terribly hot as a serial killer in The Fall. My judgment can't be trusted though, as I'm already on record today as having called Petyr Baelish hot.

I used to weigh 453lbs. NOW I weigh 165lbs. Many people look at me dressed and might think I totally rock a bikini but the reality is that I make a far better mannequin after massive weight loss than I do a nude model (or even partially nude in a bikini model). My knees and legs are particularly bad since I used to