I bet he’ll be playing with his cats. Maybe you could join? I’d certainly like to.
I bet he’ll be playing with his cats. Maybe you could join? I’d certainly like to.
You didn’t actually answer my question. What would the optics have been for the Republicans had Bernie’s bill passed last night? Why might the Democrats have wanted to prevent that from happening? Because you might notice more Democrats voted for this bill than against it.
Part of me hopes when all of our social welfare net is completely ripped away from us, maybe the #Bernieorbusters will get a fucking clue?
Question: What would the optics have been for the Republicans had Bernie’s bill passed last night? Why might the Democrats have wanted to prevent that from happening?
This is untrue. They’ve looked at her college applications and her job applications. She never checked the box saying she was an American Indian. She’s never gotten any admissions or job preference due to it.
I had a friend who used to tutor one of the Busch (Anheuser-Busch) kids at Wash U.’s B-school. He apparently was dumb as a pile of rocks and my friend did most of the work for him, since his parents’ donations to the school were quite important to them. I am sure that it was a similar situation with Trump and his kids.
He went to Fordham for 2 years of undergrad. Transferred into U. Penn, due to connections and money. He has a BA degree....
This reminds me of the question that Trevor Noah asked Tomi Lahren about what is the correct way for an African American man to protest. She was never able to answer the question and spent the entire time dodging it.
Science Fiction tv always has a much harder time winning awards than other genres. It took forever for Tatiana Maslany to finally get an acting award for the stellar work she was doing on Orphan Black.
Maybe HarperCollins does not have a TurnItIn license, like most universities do?
Well, the biggest issue is that George W. Bush did not care to listen to the intelligence community about Saddam Hussein. They wanted to go to war and they were quite willing to use what little evidence that they had to go to war. In fact, he never bothered to talk to the guy who debriefed Hussein (who said he did not…
There is a reason why she did it....to get it past a cursory editor’s search to see if the list is plagiarized.
Wouldn’t FERPA laws make notifying other parents of a student’s private issue illegal?
Well, the economic boycott did get Roy Cooper elected in North Carolina.
Oil and drilling has been less a part of Texas’ economy in the past couple of years, since fracking dropped the price of oil. Tech/software are a very big part of Austin’s economy. They will be vocal about this. There are a lot of trans folks in the video game/software industry.
I moved here in 2008. It’s getting a lot bluer across the state, but the gerrymandering that Delay did was very effective. So effective that Republicans in other states decided to emulate it.
But the state already completed investigations which proved that those videos were false....If I was a judge, I’d be annoyed because this would be a waste of my time.
Good plan....Not much of a boxer, but that might get me to start.