
Does it have to be a human though? The power output on a siongle wight seems to be large enough, so maybe we don’t really need a human. What if the night King made something smaller, say wight raccoons? you could probably make a decent flat-four using four of those, and stick them underneath the chassis, Tesla Battery

Also, if he gets mad at you, just tell him your mother’s name is Martha. And then he’ll instantly forgive you.

He’s the life seeder now, eh?

By grannys, someone get Mr. Bachelor a tallyho! He was stabbed by a doctor with eight cent calico!

Maybe he can still shit standing on his head.

Somewhere there is a portrait of Elijah Wood getting older. And that portrait is called Daniel Radcliffe.

Go back and watch the movie. It is done specifically and with purpose.

I don’t like bringing up politics at io9, but since you mentioned it. . .

I’d like to see a sitcom staring Deadpool and Blind Al, set entirely in their home together. Deadpool will often be returning from or heading off to a mission, and maybe some other super powered people show up as guests, but any actual combat will take place entirely off screen. The whole show is just set in the

I’d like to see io9 spunoff from Gizmodo.

Untrue. The algorithm predicts the future. We saw how quickly strange was able to decide the dying patient was actually the victim of an elaborate assassination attempt. That makes him a threat to folks like hydra

This isn’t blackface, though. Blackface is about using black makeup to portray a rather negative image of colored people. Maui’s costume is about letting kid’s look like a freaking shapeshifting demi-god that happens to include awesome skin tattoos.

Ghost Rider was amazingly well done. I loved it.

I mostly miss io9 being it’s own site and not just a part of Gizmodo. I really hated that decision.

I wonder if they’ll factor in just how many people either came back to or started playing WoW for the first time thanks to this movie. Even on the “Low Population” servers the starting zones are busier than I’ve seen them since before Cataclysm. And if I were a Blizzard rep, I’d much rather have someone shelling out

Did no one watch the inside-the-episode bit after actually watching the episode? The producers straight up said that “Hold the Door” came from GRRM. It’s not a theory that it might be in the books. Rob, you are wrong about it not being in the books, and you would have known so had you continued watching after the

And yet, it was 3 whole minutes that would have saved him writing an entire piece that makes him look silly.

I watch on HBO now, where its included with the episode. Apparently Rob watches otherwise.

Despite the hate you’re receiving - I think it would have been really cool to be surprised by Hulk, which I believe is your point.

Your Game of Thrones episode recaps and your movie reviews were always so well written. I look forward to reading your novel when it's released.