
You don’t know the half of it, ( .... how Amy hacked from even me) and you probably won’t since this turd of a site is all about the ‘liberal’ way of censorship. JEZEBEL should be shut down along with ALL OF GAWKER. Good riddance to all of it.

Man that sucks, Hillary Something! Three years, what a legacy.

Oh my god, please don’t go! I’m going to miss never knowing

Is there anyone ... anyone at all ... besides me .... loner me ... who is honest enough to not white wonder bread guilt the shit out of Leslie Jones as being ‘hilarious’???


Fucking relax, it’s not she was sodomizing the animal with it.

this is the angle...or some of it:

Just thank you. And could be worse; you could be a target of privacy violation while not being a celebrity and have all kinds of gossip about who people think you are dispensed to YOUR employer before they want to fire you. Story of my life. Ask Jon Hamm, Amy Schumer, JLD....yes, I mean Julia Louise Dreyfus

I’m gonna be a little Azealia Banks on this ... so here goes.

i never thought i’d admit this, but i really feel bad for bill maher. he doesn’t deserve this s.h.i.t (Suck off you ... unfunny ... unremarkable Hack ...and um It will Tank anyway)

looks precarious to me

I can only hope and pray that anyone who treats a person in this nature gets the same treatment in this life or the next. Despicable and fired.

If I can sue Nancy Meyers for stealing my storyline (in a chapter of my book) for the her dumb movie The Intern, I’d sue her ... but then my case would turn out like this one. I’m not kidding. I’m very serious. I’m not kidding about being very serious either.

oh so Lauren Evans, or whatever, thinks going to Chilies is so lame you guys .... hipstards! omg

Rachel Vorona Cote is an insecure, snooty-booty, Mad Men loving, embarrassing liberal esque American douche ball .... because she hearts to sound like a shrill figgot. American accents are the most awesome, robust ways of speaking English ... even if we don’t all use very technocratic, out dated stupid Celtic,

Yes, because this disturbed woman CLEARLY represents most responsible, law abiding Americans with guns. #howtorespondtoidiotposts

WIIG She needs to go to Comedy/Acting/Stop Snickering At Yourself All The Time Shithead School

another wasted post that deserves 100000000000000 likes

because that is so hilarious. (no, no it isn’t)