
Well, fair enough, the slowness suited Kimi Ni Todoke better and eventually even there it got to be too much. But I still feel like, early on at least, Ao Haru Ride is noticeably sweeter than most shoujos. Granted, seeing how they act in a relationship is definitely much more original and rare, but I haven't read

I think Ao Haru Ride is further up because it gives off a very similar feeling to Kimi Ni Todoke. I feel like most shoujo is considerably more... how to put it... strident? That's not right. But there's usually a lot more interpersonal conflict that can start rubbing the wrong way, like all the many, many series where

Survival Club quickly became the funniest show for me this season. It's so goddamned over the top and ridiculous, it's hard not to love. And the narrator. My god I love him.

Season 2 or riot.

Spot on! I think my favorite is Mayumi not understanding/accepting that all the guys she dates are jerks, yet won't do anything about it. This anime is one of the only few from the latest season that I have completed and really enjoyed.

The notion that a slice-of-life comedy needs a resolution or some sort of typical plot structure is just so wrong .. i have seen many comedies like Kawai complex and enjoyed every one of them to the fullest even when knowing so well there won't be any resolution or plot .. which shows that some people are so hung up

Listen (read?) to Lozzle guys! I agree with literally everything he said, this show is relate-able, funny, and just downright charming.

I really enjoyed this show, especially the antics of Mayumi and Shirosaki.

This show is not only damn funny, but also one of the more realistic representations of every day life in high schoolers/young adults. Every episode it was either something I could personally relate to from my high school years or it was something I witnessed firsthand.

But KanaHana.

(I'll read the article now)

I'm pretty much in full agreement with this review. I've watched the full series myself after being taken in by the initial premise, and found it an awful stereotype of a good majority of modern day anime tropes. Multiple times through the series you wonder that if any 1 person had thought about this for a few