
On a side note .. Can i have my Star Back ?

I love my Zune HD : (

Steve Wiebe (the good guy) .... Good guy yes ... but when your kid has to crap take care of your kid : )

.... Actually some world famous Chefs use making a Omelet to decide where or not to hire kitchen staff

Turns out it was a Hoax anyhow .. But still Douche : )

Send in Bruce Willis and the Armageddon Squad Pronto ..

Send in Bruce Willis and the Armageddon Squad Pronto ..

Does anyone other than Tom Use Myspace ? In fact does that Tool even use it anymore ?

Beautiful indeed, But i Do not Want plastic anywhere near my Tea nor Yerba maté

I got my Prized star Taken away because of the Simple Question "Is this a Tech site or CNN" and though i absolutely meant nothing negative behind it .. After reading the Articles i realized they are very different than any other news sites and extremely informative on a tech level .. So i Think it is great to be

I got my Prized star Taken away because of the Simple Question "Is this a Tech site or CNN" and though i absolutely meant nothing negative behind it .. After reading the Articles i realized they are very different than any other news sites and extremely informative on a tech level .. So i Think it is great to be

Mom i swear the Rainbow Bright knitted Panties are for someone else .. err

Strange they haven't figured this one out yet .. Maybe iPhone 5 will have that feature : )

David Blane ! .. On a side note i wish Pic #2 was taken on the way down

Trying to get front row Panty shots

Ewww cheap china plastic floating in my tea .. no thanks

Silly Nigeria .. Always Besting old Peeps

Still Waiting for Criterion Collection to do "Hot Rod" .. the Classic coming of age film staring Andy Samberg

So ... I am not getting $1 Million from a Prince ? Oh crap better take back that replay all email telling everyone i quit Working