
I hate those Fockers , Seriously .. And ever Since i got Zune pass i haven't got anything .. um borrowed .. But damn i hate them

I am Pumped for Season 6 (some reason i put off watching any of the last season till the Bluray came out) ... My wife was pissed we took the year off , but i wanted to watch it all in 1 weekend with BD quality ..Thank god for having both Netflix and BB online .. disc's 1-3 were shipped from netflix and 4-6 were

How can i take that serious ??? They Don't even have Shaolin ! Staten Island .. Everyone knows Wu-tang is for the babies !

@kdupree: Best Comment of the day by far : )

Les is my Hero .. I was so depressed when survivorman was over .. I read both survival books (and i never go outside) .. He is Hardcore .. Honestly Bear Grylls is a pansy ass

to little (31" ? ) to Late ... Unless you can produce a 55"+ in the next 2 years i don't see it having any market share .. and you can forget about this in a bright living room , my Zune HD screen is amazing in Dark .. in light you cant even see it

AudioGalaxy was the best peer 2 peer ever .. it was web based so you could dl stuff to your home from anywhere .. even way back in the day .. way ahead of its time

So this is how we protect Americas Secrets .. Hummm

@mms1648: After the SNL Train wreck i think i will pass : ) Horrible !

@farcedude: Im Sorry .. I tried to kill it . ahhhhhhh

@farcedude: Ahh light is to big nevermind

Personally i love my Tempur-Pedic (well top of the line Bob-o-pedic celestial) .. but "Tempur-Pedic mattresses, cold and cheesily space-aged, are the alternative mattress of today." .. I would NEVER consider Tempur-Pedic materiel Cold .. its actually really hot

Time to take the old horse behind the barn and .. Well ..

Damn .. Kill a watt Promo code (Exp 8/15) .. Expired yesterday

@ThomasWolfSwe: I have 2 X25-M G2 80GB in Raid 0 .. Sucks i cant TRIM them

He may have made a $1 Mill , but he still has red curly hair ..

I have 2 80GB Intel Gen 2 in Raid 0 .. I cant Believe Intel hasn't made it possible to use TRIM on Raid yet .. Extremely Frustrating

Love Ratatat !

@Secretone: Yeah because that has to do with Apple Tv or iTv how ?