
I got mine a week ago .. Then i found out you had to pay for the preview .. Haha .. Nope

I think the Poetic Wu-Tang Clan summed it up Perfectly .. "Here i go, Deep type flow .. Jacques Cousteau could never get this low"

@Graviton1066: While you know that song Stronger by Kanye West ? Well he punched them in the face and stole it

Clearly this is Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

...Including the footage of no oil leaking out .. Clearly it is still gushing like crazy and is a Photoshop

Anyone notice you get about 30% of Hobomodo stuff you request ? I never got any tshirts , Tea never comes and i jump on them in the first few Mins .. Only stuff i reg actually receive is the Walmart free samples .. oh and Bacon Salt !

Free Step-Up in 3D Screening for $0.

I read somewhere that if you open a current 360 harddrive and stick on in the new arcade it will work fine .. but of course will void warranty .. Humm maybe an idea

@Benguin: Poop .. My Fake Name is always Steve

I love Hobomodo , But i will never Join Facebook ... Not event get free stuff : )

I Cant believe that Intel has not released a way to Use its toolbox with RAID .. i have 2 Intel Gen2 80GB in Raid 0 with no way to Optimize them

The Weird Part is Most Companies buy Insurance for these things and therefor they don't pay anything anyhow (Such as Jordan's furniture when the RedSox won Series).. Wait .. you did buy the Insurance ... riiiight Toshiba ?

I think this is missing the point .. My bengal cat loves the drinkwell fountain because of the waterflowing effect and he drink from the downstream , yes the fish tank idea will give you filtered water but not the same sound and stream as the ready made products .. At first i was worried he would run from it .. but he

Consider my pants crapped in ...

It loaded fairly fast with my Crapcast 50mbs connection .. i think all it did was make me sad about my 22" 1680 x 1050 monitor : ) .. I got the itch ....

So 99% Gadgets and then a f'n curve ball once and awhile .. Tea and Weed .. opposite ends of the spectrum .. one might say Ying and Yang

I feel the way Tech goes so fast .. 5 years Should be it .. then something new .. 10 years is ok to make games etc.. but the hardware is OLD .. imagine having a 10 yr old PC or Phone ? why should we have to wait 10 years for new Hardware ?

Gold & Silver Investor Kit for $0. ?? Whoa now i can become a Millionaire !

In Reverse it is :a22b2ec850992f47413f4a94921c4c...