
I bet if i play Pandora and Angry Brids at the same time my Full battery will die in 10 mins .. Damn you angry birds for being so good

@octasquid: Thats what i first thought !

Does it adjust Graphics with Speed ? I Have a ComCrap 50 Mbs connection , so i will have the same quality as someone with dsl ? weird

Never .. They have nothing to offer me that i cant get fro Xbox .. and i get ALOT more than the Plus Pkg offers .. i will Use my PS3 and probably get move (along with Kinect) but never pay for that service

Id Buy it just for the Interface , Not really for the games

So what yours saying is everyone should be the same and no one should try anything different ? Um Oh Hell no

Wow SONY Wow .. um you can add any size HD you wish in like 5 mins .. please do not play extra for this and just do it yourself .. Plenty of online help if you need it

@Kung-Fu Kurtis Carnivale of Carnage: I have the 60" of that same tv as a exchange for a 60" XBR2 SXRD that had issues .. Anyhow It is a great tv and is incredibly thin .. has netflix etc .. uses a tiny bit of power

Of Course ANYDVD HD lifetime version (Wish it was cheaper , but well worth it) : ) ... I just Rip To folder format and keep everything as it should be , left alone .. And with a Popcornhour C-200 you can watch full BD rips with Menus - BD Live Etc.. fully working .. I store everything on my 11TB HP WHS server .. ..

Well Seeing i have both .. I can tell you i get new releases every Tuesday from BB Online and not 28 days later (+ how ever long the are in Long Wait) .. And dont give me the line about its no big deal waiting 28 days , because it is a big deal if you are going to charge me a blu ray premium .. BB might be dying but i

Um all that for a Wireless G Signal ? Hook up my WRT610N Duel N band and we are talking

Dvds were awesome 10 years ago .. tell me the Blu Ray way to do it

I am extremely happy with my Zune Pass for $15 /Month .. 10 songs to Keep forever .. Sure they jack some songs once and awhile but they add a hella lot more

@Izod517: Yeah i have been using Snag it .. but i was hoping to get better Quality backups (of my wedding pics)

Any word on Flash Pictures ?

@madog: Not at all .. i use it on All PC's .. Not Spammy at all

How does this Compare to MediaMonkey ?

I will let anyone who is on the fence know that 99% you will not know the difference other the the Speed Boost .. i was afraid to jump in and now i wont go back after installing 8 GB RAM .. even my non techy Mother in law uses 64x Win 7 on her laptop w/ 4GB RAM and doesn't know the difference .. Most all programs