
i thought they should just weigh the burritos. figure out what an average burrito weighs. then if yours weighs x% more you pay an extra 1$. if it weighs x% less you get a 1$ discount.

every city? come on.

this is like complaining that when the iPod came out that it had no keyboard, mouse, internet connection, monitor, disk drive. it’s a DIFFERENT PRODUCT than reddit. the ipod wasn’t a desktop computer and Upvote isn’t a discussion website.

that rant seems very Denis Leary. well done.

for real. i pretty much saw this exact scene 2 days ago in nevada.

you mean season 35?

jingle. back in like 1994 it was a IRL nickname based on my real name. i used it on telnet talkers. BTG for life! also used it on my friends BBSes. anyone else remember Legend of the Red Dragon?

how does a ballpoint pen work? Terribly.

i tried to edit it but it wouldn’t let me. porn star celebrity super model

getting raped by a porn star is still getting raped.

are you kidding? oozy brown sludge? i make brownies with the sole purpose of eating the batter.

no doubt. 10 seasons plus the 2 (3) movies

i didn’t :( i wasn’t sure i wanted to deal with atlantis at all. by time i decided to it was too late

After i finished Stargate SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe i’m onto The Drew Carey Show

go figure, the emotional people get emotional.

i’d like to see something on other long-lived mammals. elephants or whales. do elephants have menopause? i suspect that most animals just die before they reach the point where they would go through menopause. and did ancestral humans that only lived to 40, but reproduced by 16, having grand kids at 32 maybe, did they

good thing the police never found out about all the self-abuse i inflicted as a teen!