This used to be a Gundam model kit. Not anymore. Now it’s “Hi2-D2 - Enhanced astromech droid”.
This used to be a Gundam model kit. Not anymore. Now it’s “Hi2-D2 - Enhanced astromech droid”.
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1992) has a part where you can play the initial titles or credits sequence…
Jon Snow just can't catch a break in Snow Knows, an animated series that shows the brother of the Night's Watched…
The force might not, but Yamaguchi Katuhisa's creativity totally is with this R2-D2 figure. R2 finally steps up,…
You can really tell from the way the directors of Alien 3 and Resurrection supposedly had a lot of issues with their scripts and how they didn't seem to know how to handle making a story that was in spirit with the first two films.
I am delighted that Blomkamp will basically erase all beyond Alien and Aliens. Because frankly, it's been total shit.
Sadly, the whole point of putting Luke on Tattooine was that it's out of the way and Vader couldn't find him there. Then some idiot decided we needed Tattooine in the prequels, and bam, lore continuity ruined forever.
As you read this list, you’re going to notice something about me: The thing I most care about in a game isn’t the…
Yessssssss. Finally!
They Speak Truth....
Daniel "Abysswolf" Oliver's pixel art reminds me of the Metal Slug games, especially Barret's look in the Final…
Oh, *that's* what you mean by "swinging"
God, WHY did this never become a franchise? I know, we had "Escape from LA" but wanted to much more like the Cleveland story and others to show the bad-ass Snake.
It would still be awesome! Here's an isometric, Commodore 64-style recreation of some Grand Theft Auto V action by…
Fleish and Cherry is an-development isometric adventure game that looks like vintage black and white animation, with…
Those 2 girls are now guaranteed memes, along with do not want dog, and running away octopus.
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
I know ya asked for movie, but I nominate any episode of Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror:
In the Mouth of Madness: I am not going to spoil it for anyone that hasn't seen this movie yet.
Jacob's Ladder. As if someone pulled the ground away beneath your feet.