I know it's been panned (and probably for good reason), but at the time, I loved Black Dahlia. Although the FMV was cheesy, it's still a very memorable game for me now.
I know it's been panned (and probably for good reason), but at the time, I loved Black Dahlia. Although the FMV was cheesy, it's still a very memorable game for me now.
I knew the Illusive Man was gay, I just KNEW it!!
Awww, thank you, Nathan. You have restored my faith in the internets! :)
Sorry to be sexist, but say what you will about those Asari, they certainly have evolved some nice human-appealing curves... :P
Perhaps, @DrunkRobot, but perhaps that's the reason that the video game industry is in the state that it's in (presuming it's in a less-than-favorable position atm), along with Hollywood, etc. I'm not saying it's the same thing, but using "Focus groups" and analyzing, categorizing, assigning abstract values, charting,…
It's a great post, and a great analogy, and I don't mean to complicate the discussion, but what about immersion, and (that old chestnut) "fun"? A game can have beautifully executed story and perhaps even great gameplay, but still not be fun. Of course the idea of what makes something fun is entirely subjective, but…
I love these. Cosplay as an "art" just keeps getting better and better. Although I'm going to sound slightly contradictory when I say that I wish the character designs for women could be provocative without looking ridiculous, from a practicality perspective.
I've said it before, my friends. Dude should be a lady.
I don't know why I hate D&D so much (and I love tabletop RPGs), it's really becoming irrational. And not in the Bioshock Infinite sense. I think it's just generic High Fantasy that turns me off. Pathfinder seems okay, even though it's probably in that category.
I will never comment on a thing on the internet again, I swear. I think we'll all be happier for it.
I stopped reading when Hamilton wrote that the world was generated by "Science". Maybe I'm being pedantic, but that's a pretty large logic error. I might have said "physics" instead.
This reminds me of this Tiny Apartment episode.
I think there's room for all perspectives, without judging too harshly the merits of each. There's definitely a market for teenage fantasies, but there's also a good bit of room for strong, realistic characters, of any sex, ethnicity, etc.
I think it's a salient point that you make, although it's a little off the mark. I think women have different sensibilities in general when it comes to sex appeal, and it's not just about the physical aspects. And although the men aren't realistically portrayed, either, characters like Nathan Drake at least look like…
Ditto— I'd be surprised if Will Arnett DIDN'T show up in CoDMW3, given that he and Bateman have some show on CoDXP or whatever.
Was that... Richard Dreyfuss narrating?
At the end it should have been a picture of Michael Bluth (Bateman) from Arrested Development. It's a little goofy, but I like what they're trying to do.
I'm resisting the temptation to be negative here, but it IS "just a downloadable title," isn't it? Seems like it's been downgraded from a full release to a "yeah, we can still make money off this project that essentially got canceled"... Hence the changes and the "Oh, gee, you're a Loner... AGAIN!" FFS, I know there…
IIiiiiiiiii don't know... looks kinda boring to me. It's got a little bit of a cutesy appeal, but if it looked more intricate, like there was a little world in there, I think I might be tempted. Still, glad Stephen had fun with it, and they are getting more compelling, fremium model or no.
The U.S.S. Sephora? Okay, so THOSE marines all had the best makeup and each one smelled FANtastic!