
Is anyone else thinking, "Gee, that's timely."?

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles!" — Butch Cassidy

Shock the crap out of you, unless you're a hot chick (with an 80s perm), of course.

I hated the Yoda scene. So there.

These columns are amazing and eminently fascinating. They remind me of a perhaps more ascerbic Western opinion of Japan as compared to Peter Payne of J-List. Like many geeks, I grew up with Anime and was always intrigued by the culture of the people beyond many of the things I loved. I never made it over there, but I

I wish Calibre was more of a "one in one out" experience, rather than trying to be library software itself. Kudos to them for developing it, but I was hoping a better solution would materialize because I found it clunky and the resulting ebooks didn't really survive the transition (I buy a lot of RPG game books online

Sad, but I think what this game really needs is multi, but it must be tough and I applaud them for writing it off— even Rockstar couldn't pull it off successfully with GTA4.

I think I'd rather play this version.

I still think this is an April Fool's joke. It will probably be that pseudo-3D like the iPhone game Labyrinth2.

@DocSeuss: Well, sounds like a clear course of action, then... Write, man, write! I want to play the game that comes from your design doc! :)

How about the original Half Life? Sure, there were jump out, scary moments, but they did breed a certain species of fear when you are using the electric train, or when trying to creep past the pit horrors.

@DocSeuss: Maybe you should try and do a proof-of-concept using the Unity engine or something? Unless you're just trying to get it out there as an idea so that someone makes it. The downside to this is they may cannibalize your idea and produce something short of your ultimate design (let's face it— it might happen

@DocSeuss: Yeah, it's a shame BF2142 wasn't more highly acclaimed. I'm enjoying Bad Company 2, although the multiplayer needs some patching before it's as "pick up and play" an experience like MW2.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this is a phenomenally bad idea. The original MOHAA has a special place in my heart, but I can't help but feel this is just a "me too" game from EA. I would love to see something more futuristic, "Ghost in the Shell" style.

What a crap poster compared to the Russian version.

And they had just developed that really green energy source that everyone was excited about. Oh wait...

@RoboticSpacePenguin: Even so, I think they're able to bring them to life pretty well. They may not be as articulate as their Uncharted 2 counterparts, but somehow (maybe it's the voices?) they are able to bring them to life so much more fully.

@Outkastprince: Hell's yeah! It's the movie that got me into Westerns proper.

I can't get enough of this game. Rockstar have truly earned their reputation as a top-tier developer.