@DocSeuss: Yeah, it's a shame BF2142 wasn't more highly acclaimed. I'm enjoying Bad Company 2, although the multiplayer needs some patching before it's as "pick up and play" an experience like MW2.
@DocSeuss: Yeah, it's a shame BF2142 wasn't more highly acclaimed. I'm enjoying Bad Company 2, although the multiplayer needs some patching before it's as "pick up and play" an experience like MW2.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this is a phenomenally bad idea. The original MOHAA has a special place in my heart, but I can't help but feel this is just a "me too" game from EA. I would love to see something more futuristic, "Ghost in the Shell" style.
What a crap poster compared to the Russian version.
And they had just developed that really green energy source that everyone was excited about. Oh wait...
@RoboticSpacePenguin: Even so, I think they're able to bring them to life pretty well. They may not be as articulate as their Uncharted 2 counterparts, but somehow (maybe it's the voices?) they are able to bring them to life so much more fully.
@Outkastprince: Hell's yeah! It's the movie that got me into Westerns proper.
I can't get enough of this game. Rockstar have truly earned their reputation as a top-tier developer.
I'm not trying to sling mud at THQ here, but please remember everyone that the entire industry doctors screenshots. The game won't look much worse than this, however and that's a good thing.
I hear that they're the equivalent of "rats" in other MMOs...
While I can appreciate the thought and effort involved at the conceptual stage, it doesn't seem like there is an incredible amount of artistry in these mock ups. I suppose it's more about producing a recognizable package rather than appealing to the potential buyer's imagination.
@elwoot: I'm not so sure. When you think about it, gamers are not necessarily the mainstream audience and aren't "most people". So discerning gamers (who presumably have more money) are going to pay more attention to games where the artwork stands out from a more cerebral perspective. If you're in your late 20s or 30s…
That penny is MINE! (Must be full of Adam...)
I thought 3.6 was going to have Win 7 integration? I know the beta had compatibility with the Windows taskbar, but this release doesn't appear to have it (and there's no mention of it's omission, either).
Publishers seem to do this every year and I'm not sure why the press and the public at large (including myself sometimes) falls for it each time. Game X slips to Q4. Game X misses its Christmas launch window. Game X then (sometimes quietly) slips to "Early 20xx of next year". That's about the time that I say, "yeah,…
Who has the shot of Ryan's lovely Veronica Belmont sitting on this one? #nes
Actually, I found Stardock's Impulse Dock to be surprisingly useful. It's not nearly as customizable as ObjectDock or RocketDock, but it has a nice default skin and it's simple and easy to use. It got installed during my last ObjectDesktop install and I ended up keeping it and using it until I ditched Vista for Win7. #…
I agree with the other posters— it's fast, responsive and there are some nice tweaks (I'm not bothered by some of the new UI elements).
I've been having some unusual issues, but that could be because I've got it running on a P55 Express along with a Radeon 5850 and a OCZ Vertex SSD (FW 1.4) for the main system. I'm sure it's a driver or firmware of one of those three that's causing the issues. Basically, I've had lots of lock ups and graphic issues.…
Speaking of building your own, I wonder who makes the cases for Alienware?