Jon Snow

Isn't Irene Adler in the cast?

Leonardo Da Vinci was a lot of things... Heterosexual was not one of them.

Space Pope approves of your message.

You may have 10 internets, sir.

She's gone from suck to blow!

If it's past the uncanny valley, then absolutely. If it's more like the Chester 5000, then I'm a little less interested. If it's a vacuum cleaner, then absolutely.

If I were a robot, none of you greasy apes are getting anywhere near me with your vile protuberances!

Serves you right. Robosexuality is an abomination to God and the robot Devil.

I read "attachment programming issues" and thought of hardware attachments. Issues with which could be much more immediate and painful than being stalked later. And expensive if those uses of the attachments weren't covered by warranty or the end-user-agreement to begin with....

She was a series regular, playing the Huntress, or whatever they called the Huntress Lite character. (She was supposed to be Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle's daughter in this version of the Bat-Mythos.)

Does this help?

She was in that? I remember watching a couple of episodes.

What happened to Ashley Scott?

One should not be too willy-nilly when fraternizing with the hardware.

Exactly. Who knows if you're going to end up sleeping with a robot with attachment programming issues. The next thing you know you've got a full-on StalkerBot sitting outside your house in a blue Pontiac, sending you pictures of her robo parts, telling you they ache for your touch. LAY OFF, ROBOT! IT WAS ONE TIME!

If it's wrong, I don't wanna be right.

Yeah, is it wrong that I'd go for either one.....or both at the same time?

If they're gonna look like this:

I'd bet that the actual percentage of the general public would be at least twice what's being reported here.

Depends on the robot.