
And so what if he does? Are you libtards planning on asking for impeachment? Black guys say nigger, so why can’t white guys?

Oh boo-fucking-hoo. Maybe all of you a-holes need to work harder - did you every think of that?

He just lifted the guy’s head with his foot - didn’t kick it, you fucking tool.

Go fuck yourself, loser - it’s football.

Fuck CNN and that fake Brooke Baldwin. Liberalism is fascism.

RIP, WhatsApp. FB just killed you.


Wrong, dumbass - wrong.

Wrong, dumbass - completely wrong.

You obviously know nothing about cats. The tail twitching does not mean agitation, it means they are finding something interesting or pleasurable.

Fuck you, douchebag. People like you are what is bring this country down.

I find it amusing that when George W. Bush was in the last year of him term, all of you liberal douchebags were stating that he was a lame duck President and should let the next President make decisions about appointments and major policy issues.

LoL ... fuck all of you liberal assholes. Obama is never going to get a Supreme Court nominee through the Senate. Payback is a bitch for the wannabe-king-in-chief who likes to ignore Congress when he chooses. Well, this time he can’t.

Ah I see - another constitutional scholar. Run along, little douche.

Please provide cites for your assertion, douchebag.

Jeez, what a miserable, liberal cunt you are. Go fuck yourself.