spike is love, spike is life

Well, as someone else pointed out she worked for amazon, so she would have had health insurance, making the $400 cost obsolete. And public transit between Murfreesboro and Nashville is common and available. I went to high school in downtown Nashville and used the 96X bus to get from Murfreesboro to downtown Nashville

Why can I not look down on someone for their choices? You say its the height of arrogance to say I presume to have the moral high ground, but isn’t that an intrinsic part of having moral beliefs? There are no defined morals, they consist of whatever we have culturally constructed and are subjective. We judge others on

That’s fine, but I’m saying that is a different community from my community. And considering you have a child in your picture, I think we come from two separate generations. The bible belt South is a whole different story, but treating us all like a monolith is reductive and simplistic. And its true I don’t know this

You know, there are people who are pro-life and don’t hate women. This attitude mystifies me on Jezebel. Is it really hard to understand that for some of us, life really does begin at conception. To many of us, having an abortion (except in rape/incest/health) feels like robbing a child of life and morally wrong.

When is it a baby? The second it leaves her body? I’m a liberal but its statements like these that make me very pro-life. And by that I mean I personally think abortion is the wrong choice, but I will still defend you’re right to get one. How can a life mean nothing until it is born, when babies can be born weeks

Interned at the Planned Parenthood in Nashville, 30 miles away from her. There’s is no obstruction on first trimester abortions and tens of thousands are performed there every year. At least actually research TN if you’re going to make lazy excuses for this woman, there is no reason she shouldn’t have been able to

Again, I feel like every Jezebel commenter is from the Northeast and assumes knowledge about the South. Let me tell you as someone from this girls neighborhood: young women in this community get pregnant all the time out of wedlock. Unwed, young and pregnant are not good things to be, but its the poor, semi-urban

She lives less than 30 miles from Nashville, where I live, and where I have volunteered and escorted hundreds of women to abortion clinics which are easily available here (blue city). There are definitely problems with Tennessee but the only obstruction to her accessing a safe abortion from day 1 was the $400 cost of