Jon Ryves

Maybe dying in a back alley killed by some hoodlums isn't the glorious way people wanted him to go out…but he died as a knight with his sword in his hand whilst protecting a friend, that's as good a way as you can hope to go out in GOT

I assume the guy with the Scouse accent who spoke up was Bowen Marsh, let's see how much he's involved now he's been cast for real

I really can't tell whether the Oldtown stuff has significant foreshadowingor whether it was a nod to material that has been cut …Cogman's the kind of writer to pay homage to book readers in that respect. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Ha I actually missed that, it's so obvious now you've pointed it out

Ramsey's behaviour is much less well known in the books than the show without any of the Donella Hornwood stuff, his actions are probably confined to the Dreadfort

well I don't know what their religion was or involved but Balerion, Meraxes and Vhagar were said to be named after Valyrian gods, so it does seem like they had one at least but that's all I remember about any mention of it