
I agree, the Montage was brilliant, cutting back and forth between dumping the stew into the bowls and emptying the chamber pots. Garbage in, garbage out… After awhile it got hard to tell which was which.

Yeah! Love David Tennant's accent. That said, I have to watch the show with CC on, because when he gets on a roll it sounds like he's switched to Swedish and I can barely catch every third word - except "Millah", of course.

Ugh, Under The Dome… I had that same sinking feeling toward the end of the episode, I kept waiting for Dean "Big Jim" Norris to show up at the police station. Let's hope it doesn't turn into Under The Mist.

Agreed, I thought it was excellent in its own right. Easy A, IUAM.

ok, it's been said before but so what: The reason Colbert's ratings jumped so much when DT took over is because "We fucking hate you Donald!" and we tune in to watch Stephen cut him off at the knees. And he also help us make sense of all the bad craziness that oozes from that man and his ringwraiths. Seriously, if

Yeah, the age thing bothered me to the point of distraction whenever Thaddeus was onscreen - I kept trying to determine his age, then add 42 years to it, then "oh shit wait: this is happening in 2010, make that 35 years", so even if Thaddeus was 30 [which is a stretch] in the Flashback, he'd only be 65 now, and Ennis

Not to mention the poor bastard who had to fumigate his car after Jimmy's Chicago Sunroof incident - though I've a feeling the guy probably deserved it.

I loved when Ravi not-so-subtly pushed the trash can over to Liv when she came back from her bender with Clive, in case she needed a place to ralph. A non-verbal bit of Ravi-is-the-bestiness.

Yeah, that tearful goodbye scene went on so long that I sorta nodded off - I woke up I watched a painful closeup of the helicopter wheels slowly lift off the ground. That's when I yelled "Just leave already!"

And DS Anderson stopped by the barbershop on his way to the hospital.

Strangely, I would accept either outcome of whether or not he killed Chloe - for that matter, I'd be okay if we never learn the truth - which is weird, because I usually prefer closure in stories. The main takeaway I get is that Daniel is a broken man in either case, possibly irreparably. I think the reviewer hit

Most gratuitous full frontal male nudity in the history of broadcast TV? The first time they showed us it was shocking and funny. Second time brought a grin and 'there's that penis again' in case some people missed it. Third time was come the fuck on - what, are we supposed to be counting the poor guy's pubic hair?

Yes! I absolutely thought of HI's dream sequence at the end of "Raising Arizona". They both had the same sort of vibe, with the voiceover narration and their naively cheerful views of the future. Glad it wasn't just me. And for some weird reason the opening scene made me think of "Vertigo" , can't tell you why

I'm a lapsed Lutheran and that "confessing of sins" thing they recited at the beginning is word-for-word from a Lutheran service. Gotta admit I was shocked, I had also assumed the church to be some no-name backwoods bible-thumping distortion of Southern Baptist, which is itself a distortion of mainstream

Holy fookin shite. I was just toodling along, reading comments to see if anyone had any thoughts on Cassidy's fate and I stumble upon this "spirited discussion" about someone's screen name. Gotta say I admire everyone's passion and no, I'm not going to weigh in.

"Eat a bunch of Abbies" - I was thinking the same thing when they talked about running out of food, especially with Jason Douchebag insisting the Abbies are "Beasts" or whatever. Jason needs to watch Soylent Green [or maybe the writers do].

They may make me feel, but they can't make me think - but in this case it's the other way around. BTW I agree completely w/ Agent42318's original statement - when I heard the opening piano notes and thought "Holy Shit, that's Locomotive Breath!" I knew we were in for another excellent episode.

Dueling Tull Fans. My God.