
What bigger issues is he ignoring? And student debt and education is a huge issue. This is the future leaders of the nation. If they don’t have any disposable income to buy commodities like houses and cars how do you expect the economy to stay strong? Plus, this opens the door for many Americans to get a good

1) That is my fault you’re right. I didn’t mean it in the way you’re suggesting. He has specific legislation targeting certain demographics. What I meant by that was that he will fight for every American regardless of who they are because its the right thing to do not because of what demographic they belong to. And

it won’t matter because Bernie would never do that unless he gets his demands. He’s highlighted his demands during his interview on TYT. Bernie doesn’t care about power. He would never sell out.

No you aren’t supposed to believe that. Because that’s not what Bernie is promising. He’s promising a complete overhaul of the political system: a “political revolution”. Whether you’re a low information voter or not I cannot comment on and I suspect whoever said that to you probably can’t either. And no my support

I don’t think Trump makes any promises. He pretty much just says “let’s make America great again”, “it’s a mess”, and “I’ll get a really good deal”. He actually is very clear on ho he will get things done. He understands that it will be hard to get things passed in the GOP controlled House and Senate. That is why he

Bernie doesn’t care about minorities? I find that very hard to believe. He got arrested protesting segregation in the 60s. He fought for transgender rights as the Mayor of Burlington in the 80s. He fought against DADT and DOMA in the 90s. He wants to end private prisons and bring about justice reform on a system that

Actually he wants free college tuition for public colleges. There’s difference.

How is Bernie the sexist and racist one? Hillary race baited when she campaigned against Obama. Her campaign started the muslim BS about Obama. Her campaign also fabricate the “Obama Boys” just like they did in 2016 with the “Bernie Bros”. The only two examples they had to prove it was an comment by a tea party member