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    Last I checked, there’s zero choice overlap between foreign aid and my lawn.

    The whole point of this was not whether or not “Net Neutrality” is a good or bad thing. It is whether an agency (the FCC in this case) can make de facto legislation in the form of regulation. It is entirely proper that this be in the hands of Congress rather than the FCC.

    It’s also available on Twitch!

    Oh man, I’m a little bummed to lose the ability to snap the achievement progress thing. I’ll always take more speed though. Maybe they can move this feature to the mobile app or something.

    I totally don’t get that reasoning. Play until the buzzer all the time. I hate the victory formation. I despise taking a knee. And I reject the whole concept of “running up the score”.

    Regardless of the fact that this predates the election and none of your hated villains have even taken office yet.

    Hmmm. I don’t know. What did you say after Obama won? How is it different?

    Not a fan of people abusing the legal process, BUT I don’t see what citing your opponents net worth has to do with anything other than currying favor with the “mom’s basement” dwellers who are buying into class envy more than they are buying into getting a job and paying off their student loans.

    Are we seriously suggesting that video games are simply unrankable by reviewers - unlike say, movies?
    Review scores aren’t perfect, but without them how can a person quickly see a thumbnail of how reviewers stand on the game - which then allows them to drill in to the positive and negative reviews?
    I think the idea

    Or... Maybe you just need a classier set of friends. Just sayin.