Jon Partridge

That was a good little comic. In particular, the origin of Groot shown involving a young Earth girl could work well as a family-friendly Marvel film.

I will - I haven’t been up on comics for a few years, so really out of the loop on alot of stuff

I agree. Normally, people who says that representation of race in video games and comics doesn’t matter and that anyone can relate to Peter Parker or Bruce Wayne are usually not people of color or those with plenty of superheroes that they can relate to. I have seen this argument a lot when a toy forum I go to was

I knew How I Met Your Mother had a crappy finale, but war crimes is a bit overkill...

I guess love can bloom on the battlefield

make this happen goddamn it

From the makers of

highly trained astronaut, still does duck face.

After seeing these Hulk Hands, I am now obligated to post this video. You're welcome.

They still did not improve the screen resolution? I felt like my I was getting smacked in the face the last time I used my nephew's 3DS XL

oh god what if the kid got away with like

First and most importantly, as a former pizza delivery person fuck those cheap entitled assholes.

So Gen 3- Mudkip meme.

The LG G3 didn't make the list? I'm shocked. I think the G3 is right up there with any of these phones listed.

Now playing

It can't beat the 7 shades of black though,

At least we got this cool scene of Nova chewing Tony out for Civil War.

I live in London. "Bent over and just took it" is a pretty apt description of my negotiations.


Still better then reading Ctrl+Alt+Del.