
Why are you saying “Woof” when you’re a cat? YOUR POST MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLE!

Everyone knows it’s against the law to discover hockey and like it. If you don’t go back to at least Rod Ramage, you’re not allowed to like hockey or the Blues

Shame and denigration is the surest road to convert bandwagoners.

This just in: Good teams have more fans than bad teams. Funny how people like to be entertained by their entertainment.

I think we’ve discovered why the Thrashers failed. They forgot to tell the black people in Atlanta about hockey.

I will gladly take a blues bandwagon fan if it kills a couple thousand bandwagon blackhawk fans.

Jesus Christ is that dumb Kinja.

Plus, one of those arguments could have easily been like-

Not surprising. Normally Padres and Cardinals only agree nothing was seen when one of them actually touches someone.

Have you ever had a runner? I was thisclose to leashing my younger one. Kid had a death wish.

Lies. Do you have a kid?

That’s the Twitter equivalent of selling someone’s mom to ISIS for a Chipotle gift card.

Their logo looks like a distended anus, probably from shitting on that guy so hard.

The last time a Hurricane got this testy a Ward was destroyed, and I’m not talking about Cam.

Ugh, I’m just so TIRED of men’s capelets in 2016. Like, enough already! Every guy I see, it’s like, man-bun, beard, chunky glasses, skinny jeans, and a jaunty capelet. So cliché.

very anime of them

but Bruno Mars is wearing this outfit this.very.second

English is a very silly language. It’s a Germanic language full of Romantic words that formally tries to throw in Latin grammar but colloquially doesn’t. Check out John McWhorter’s “Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue”

My favourite? Pluralising.

English is a schizophrenic hodgepodge of a language, it’s no wonder people find it difficult. I think my favourite thing about it is the “i before e except in roughly half the cases” rule.