
As always, Andre the Giant has the answer.

I’m guessing side-saddle?

See, growing up in the ‘80s/early ‘90s, we had videos on MTV to explain all of this to us. It was a simpler time!

Because she’s a woman in Hollywood.

This is still probably less racist than actual tweets from Habs fans.

This is super embarrassing. The Canadiens have already retired the number 1M.

They’re still wildly popular in Canada on iTunes, which I’d guess is where most people get their podcasts from. They just launched the podcast version of their Fox Sports Live show and it’s already the #1 podcast in Canada on iTunes:

“As the equation explains, a baseball’s backspin gives it the lift it needs to leave the park, but its trajectory and force rely on the batter’s grit, determination, and ability to play the game the right way.”

Pulling for Jay and Dan, they deserve better.

Oh eh bud. I remember when the boys were on TSN. They yakked about hockey like nobody’s Tim Bits.

Damn Robin

I was wondering why our page was getting so many likes. Thanks for sharing! There will be some more professional shots going up in the next few days. Wait until you see our Dr. Mrs. The Monarch!

Nobody wants to actually see Dean and Hank.

Awakening was a lot of people’s first FE game, selling more than any previous title and more than the last two put together, IIRC. Any article should assume that a given player might not be familiar with previous titles in the series.

Sorry, “Dr,” but the presumption of innocence does not exist in the court of public opinion, even when it’s a federal public opinion court, like the Twitterverse Court of Appeals.

Even Batman makes dad jokes

Oh Damian, such a tsundere...