Maybe men should get better at that.
Because there is of course no sarcasm in Deadspin or Gawker.
I’ve had a hard time caring about football this season. But watching Nolan breakdown everything wrong with Hardy’s statement, it’s coverage, and the NFL’s use of it in marketing...I think it’s starting to become more clear.
Interpretation of events based on context easily explains that difference. The PS4 is demolishing xbox one when it comes to sales.…
In fact I’ve never heard her refer to herself as a reporter.
What makes you think she considers herself a reporter? She’s a commentator.
I was there and taking note of people who were wearing Kane jerseys, and the most common denominator seemed to be “man wearing flat brim hat standing around the bar area watching the Cubs.”
Ball deflation is not equated to domestic abuse you fucktard.
I think it turned out better than it could have. Historically, when Blackhawks took too long to do something, Rangers would just shoot them and steal their land.
Are you seriously comparing deflated footballs to throwing a women onto a couch covered in guns?
I’m totally picturing the cat walking up to the console, looking you in the eye, and pressing the power button.
Sure, you could say that, but you’d also look like a huge asshole b/c the statement is absolutely correct as stands, and your comment only serves to take away from the important message here.
Not relevant to this story. Garbage comment.
Honestly I’m doing what I should’ve done last gen and waiting for a couple of years before grabbing a console. They’ll be cheaper, have more storage and a better library.
$429.99 is way too high for a console.
Still no word from Sony on why they charge more for Canadians for the console and new releases, while DLC and older games all use the same price as the USA.
Stocking cap? Beanie?
Eleven a.m. Sunday morning was once called “the most segregated hour in America,” but as the nation becomes more…
More than the hats, i do not find oliver hudson’s concerned dad act convincing. It comes off as creepy and controlling. It would help if i stopped thinking of him as Jeff from Nashville.