I’m Canadian and I’ve never heard of this league. Next you’ll be telling me we have our own football one too.
I’m Canadian and I’ve never heard of this league. Next you’ll be telling me we have our own football one too.
Sorry. If Anna Wintour shows up at my house, I’m doing the Condé Nasté with her ASAP.
I happen to be in recovery, and I don't see this as completely insane. The tenets of generally accepted 12 step recovery support some of the comments. Hamilton's comments on the Angels are bullshit. He owns this as much as anyone and he seems to treat his relapse like some unavoidable event. Bullshit. Hamilton has…
“Kronwalling,” the flying elbow to a head-down player for which the physical Red Wings defenseman has become so well-known. Kronwall has never been suspended before
I bet this isn't the first time you've tried that joke, is it?
Don’t worry, they both have sexist leanings, it’s understandable.
That’s how we know he’s a white male.
And yet, you did!
Good Lord people are assholes. Someone actually had to ask if “Is saying all girls have small boobs sexist?”??? I’m totally fine with these morons not being in games I’m playing.
Good. I hope more follow suit. It does not take a genius to know the gaming community for the most part is toxic. Trash talk and abuse are to vastly different things. I have stopped playing online for the most part due to how bad things have got. I do play online with friends but not venturing into the random world of…
“Bawwwwwwwwwwwww, why can’t I talk about the size of women’s boobs in my shoot people in the fucking face videogame?”
if i played fps games, i would probably play this one now, i respect devs cleaning up the trash, could you imagine if riot could do this?
I’m finding HoS a lot more fun then LoL ever was.
It’s really weird how people working at a site focused on video games sometimes experience fun and joy in life right?
well maybe if there was good money in teaching they would stay.
Yes, we’re talking about the same Kotaku, a news and opinion outlet like any other that will have successes and stumbles along the way. I agonize about stories all the time, some I wish we did better, some that we’ve had to run despite a lot of resistance from people involved who didn’t want us to tell a fair…
Well Russians also consider, for instance, the western press to be the pinnacle of propaganda. And Ukraine to be an aggressor. And Iran to be a force for stability in the Middle East. In short, when Russia considers you to be something, you can pretty much rest assured you’re not that. Go ahead on with your bad self,…
no its pretty clear the toxicity is from you
Came here to say the same thing.