
Chinese bloody invented movie financing. Give me the mainland for a Neuromancer job any day. Fix you right, mate...

Same thing here, I just loved that movie. I do love Cyberpunk and that movie was full of nearly everything Cyberpunk.

Neal Stephenson has been asked many times about filming I think “The Diamond Age” (allegedly SyFy has the option as a multi-part movie, or a short series?) and his response kind of calms me down in times like this which is basically, it doesn’t undo the book. The book is still there, unaltered. You can always go back

Avert your eyes all you want, you’re just making yourself weaker.

How the hell did you get out of the grays - someone’s a bitch because they speak up about a storyline being a little too much for them? Did you direct the show or something? Fuck you and your enjoyment of a teen rape.

Okay, everyone wants to talk about rape, but can we talk about how fucking BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT the Arya scenes were?? The music as she descends following Jaqen Hagar is minimalist, but sets the perfect mood of mystery, open underground space, the lighting and mist on the stairs as she descends, into the room of

In fact, Ramsay is a monster, who rapes Sansa on her wedding night and makes Theon “Reek” Greyjoy watch.

Are you just so used to CGI that you don’t know what real looks like any more?

Water cooling at a data center is a closed loop. They use very little of anything except electricity.

I think this is a good point. There are a lot of books that are trope-busters in their own time that don’t age quite as well because the landscape changes to mirror them, and they lose their impact on subsequent generations. I was just reading on Trudi Canavan’s Twitter the other day that someone who reviewed one of

I’m honestly afraid to re-read it as an adult. One of the bloggers I follow re-read it as an adult, and said that Ender is a lot less of a sympathetic character... he says racist things to push boundaries, he hurts people to make points, he generally takes being smart as an excuse for being unpleasant to people.

I hate (read: don't actually) to be that person, but I loved Ender's Game when I read it as a kid. I read the whole series of novels. Orson Scott Card's politics about homosexuals has rendered all of his work unreadable to me. I have a hard time separating author from fiction, and as a gay guy: I'm not a big fan.

A storm with particles of antimatter in it, not a storm literally made of antimatter, dingus.

God I hate that book. It started out so promising and then ended in typical sexist crap.

IBM has a really cool “experience center” at their Watson Headquarters where they walk you through some case studies of what Watson can do. There was a medical one that really stuck out to was a case study demonstrating the advantages Watson has over humans in diagnosis.

I think this describes the internet rather well,

Bear in mind that I haven’t made any of my points in terms of what black actors “should” or “shouldn’t” want or do. I’m just noting the general situation black actors seem to be confronted with. (As well as yearning to see Lupita Nyong’o running around in the Star Wars universe.) And thank you for engaging me.

Actually, Foggy’s motion-capture stuff was ALSO performed by Lupita N’yongo.