What the fuck are you even talking about?
What the fuck are you even talking about?
When you’re talking about peoples rights, yes there is always time to wait for rational thought.
I bet not even half of these guys even live under bridges.
So I got a ton of submissions for this and nearly always, 80% of the text was dedicated to explaining what the REAL definition of trolling was. None of this is included in the post because frankly, who gives a shit about maintaining the REAL PURITY of trolling other than trolls? In this case, if people self-identified…
10 years later and the game still has ~6 million monthly subscribers; I’m sure they’re all scrambling over at Blizzard HQ right now because brokenfury8585 is going with “too little to late blizz.”
Oh, cool! SOFIA is rad. I’ve been on it. The plane itself is a 747-SP and was the Pan Am Clipper Lindburgh before being bought by United, then NASA.
Please repeat this to yourself as needed, because it is absolutely the biggest obstacle in American public discourse: an uninformed belief, no matter how strong the conviction, does not deserve a seat at the table next to informed fact. The notion that someone’s beliefs must be honored, considered and ultimately…
Every day I’m forced to add new names to the list of people who piss me off.
“Would have?” The United States already had a heavy-lift rocket with five times the payload capacity of the Shuttle.
Challenger happened because an o-ring in one of the solid rocket boosters froze in the abnormally cold January air, allowing extremely hot gases to blow a hole in the external tank, igniting the hydrogen. The Energia booster doesn’t have solid rocket boosters. In their place are liquid fueled boosters which can be…
1. Yes they did. They also did that with the atomic bomb. Instead of being pissed off at them for being better at espionage, we should be ticked at the CIA. Don’t hate the player etc.
2. That worked out well. So 40 years later, we’re going back to what? Oh yeah, disposable launch systems.
3. That’s the point. NASA was…
I’m not sure it’s about prostitutes being inherently bad, rather than simply being about how they weren’t typical girlfriends in that it was clear to everyone that the relationship was obvious transactional. And as I keep saying, just because you (not you) would find that sort of relationship demeaning, that does not…
It’s not really all that surprising that nude photographs would be required to work in a club inspired by/affiliated with a skin mag, though. Although publishing her pictures as payback was lame.
Yeah, that’s totally wince-inducing. But it’s really not that different from “candy is dandy but liquor is quicker” and other things of that ilk. I mean face it, that’s a big reason men offer to buy women drinks. And it’s not like giving someone roofies, or the drugs Cosby used. Those are intended to make a woman…
Right, because that was absolutely the point of telling the Armistead Maupin story. It had absolutely nothing to do with simply sharing an entertaining tidbit about the drug under discussion.
Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,…
Cost. RLG’s cost more than FOGs, and when you’re on a tshirt fundraiser budget you use whatever equipment you can scrounge.
No need to circumvent SA for speed calculations. SA introduces a pseudo-random wandering path that doesn’t jump around within its bounds. At 60 mph, the distance between position updates (~26m) is roughly half the average SA error (50m), so speed calculations will be pretty accurate, especially if you build in some…
Speaking as a GIS student...who are we kidding, there’s nothing for it but to say I have a brain erection. Also, I’m glad Selective Availability is no longer a thing, the idea of being stuck using GPS only for speed (I presume you stayed within the legal confines of the time for academic credibility purposes) is…