
So let's say she made a fun game. It's got a female protagonist, a small indie community that loves and supports it, and it's making her enough money that she only need to work a few hours a week on her day job. The game even gets a Rock Paper Shotgun article! Sales soar into a few thousands, times are good.

Does everything an amputee do have to accurately represent the problems that "normal" missing limbs people face? Maybe this is just a LEGO video and not a PSA

Wait, there's fourth-wave feminism now? Damnit, I just felt like I got a handle on third

We're talking about, like, $800 USD for Kickstarter here, I doubt this bad publicity would be worth that

I don't think every person who dislikes Heimdall being black is an out and out racist, nor do I think racist is something you either are or are not, and can be outed as such by cleverly hidden clues. Some things, like the problem people had with Heimdall, have very obvious, negative, race-related connotations, and you

there is a big difference between casting a norse god as a black guy and casting *some random superhero* as a black guy.

I started out just reading io9 for years, but slowly started browsing Jezebel more and more. The articles aren't always great, but the comments can sometimes have some really interesting stuff.

As a Scandinavian who grew up reading old Norse mythology stories, you want to know what I find revisionist? Tall, long-haired, blonde, clean-shaven Thor in a ridiculous helmet and armor with a long-shafted Mjölner talking Shakespearean English. Oh, and the fact that they're all space aliens with sufficiently advanced

I think you're reading a lot more into this thread than was ever there >_> I never got around to making an argument cause EvolutionalSci never answered my questions. EvolutionalSci certainly mentioned memory and intelligence, but I think perhaps you're projecting your own views onto his very brief posts. You're kind

Half the point of those tabloids is to insult famous people to make those who buy them feel better about themselves. I doubt the readers, nor this writer guy, cares one bit that they don't themselves come even close to matching their own ridiculous standards :/

Not many unemployed Computer Science PhDs I'd wager

Whether you assumed this was going on before or not (I imagine most people did), it's not a reason not to get outraged. It's much easier to protest something tangible and confirmed than the pervasive notion that the surveillance state just keeps growing under the hood.

Yes, exiling yourself from your home country under pain of a lifetime in solitary confinement is every man's dream. What a selfish ass he is.

Oh, no doubt. I mean, we don't know if he was the one to steal the SSNs, or even if any were stolen, but that's a serious threat no matter how you look at it. Point is, it wasn't aimless, blind vigilantism. Given the amount of information already public on who did what (freely provided by the rapists themselves),

Lostutter is not accused of hacking anyone's computer to find a video, he's accused of hacking the football teams website so he could upload the video to it. The original videos and pictures which showed unambiguously who did what, were uploaded by the rapists and their friends. When Anonymous got on the scene the

Isn't this kind of... mean? They're college students at their first internship, they're excited about it. Sure, it's dumb as hell to be this public and casual with pictures of a place like this that you hope to get a job at, but still, is it necessary to ridicule people for being excited and not as smart as they

The storage unit analogy kinda works, except with the US government mandating that every storage unit in the land needs to hand over a spare set of keys to the cops, the use of which requires no public disclosure or justification, regardless of what provisions and policies the storage unit had when you signed up with

It's a bit weird to talk about what Anonymous did, because Anonymous isn't a coherent organization. Anyone can put on a Guy Fawkes mask, make a youtube video and suddenly be an Anon spokesman, without having ever exchanged a single message with anyone else who'd call themselves Anonymous. True, most of the serious

What do you mean by "now that they've taken vigilantism to this kind of level"? From what I gather this is about posting a video on a local website and getting access to someone's email account. Not exactly Ted Kaczynski levels we're talking here.

I'm a bit iffy on how "misogynistic" is used in this context, but doesn't it still have to tie back to women somehow? Even if the whole thing is framed as a gender-alternate heteronormative act and even if the bottom simply fills a role that was originally grown from a patriarchal view of women, how can it still be