So I've think I've identified a major issue that you need to work on in your life:
They couldn't help, because they could never figure out why other people hated me
I'm as sick of Sookie as anyone, but the Tara/Pam being in love thing was... I have no idea what it was. Came completely out of left field for me, I didn't think their previous relationship hinted at it at all. I thought Pam was supposed to be some kind of mother figure for her? Or something? Or like, only real friend…
I'm by no means a SoIaF or GRRM expert, but I thought half the point of the story was a more realistic deconstruction of European medieval set fantasy. Certainly he could have made a world that included and represented more real life people, or inverted/subverted the old traditional power roles in fantasy, and I'd…
Kind of an odd place to insert that particular comment into the discussion, isn't it? >_>
I don't know if I'd call this movie "Hollywood". It was primarily financed by German companies and filmed around Europe. Only thing American about it was the directors, actors and distributors >_>
Maybe the reason I'm defending Bioware is because I kind of quit story and dialogue driven RPGs for a whole lot of years and when I came back to them Mass Effect felt like water in the desert. Growing up with Baldur's Gate and Fallout, that kind of game will always have a place in my heart. And, you know. Beggars…
Found out I've already got New Vegas on Steam. Funny how often that happens >_> You've convinced me, I'll start up a game when I have the time for it :)
Was a huge fan of Fallout 1 and 2 but I could, for some inscrutable reason, never really get into Fallout 3. You're making me want to try New Vegas >_>
As big a Bioware fan as I am, that's hard to deny. Jack is extremely creepy in how blatant the character is written, though I think FemShep is one of the best playable female characters I've ever seen. Note: I haven't played Mass Effect 3 yet >_>
This sounded way too ridiculous to be true, so I went looking through RPG Codex, and first thing I see is this comment:
Haha, yes, I do know what an evangelist is, and an engineer. I'd just never heard of the word "schmoozer" :). Believe me, I know about the asocial (sometimes antisocial) friction that happens between tech people and the rest of the world.
Well no. I'm a programmer in Sweden.
Schmoozer vs. engineer dynamic? >_>
"Forking a repo" can kind of mean starting a project based on someone else's work, but what it really means is copying a file or a set of files at a specific point in a revision history and working on that without affecting the original file(s). These can either go off to become a new project or be merged back into…
Are there other people than Adria and Matt who were within earshot who have written on this?
Indeed it does. Man, there's new data I missed every time I turn around >_>
I think she did. By her own account, the man first mentioned forking in a non-sexual way, and then his friend mentioned it again in a sexual way